A Unidade deve ser informada sobre os resultados bacteriológicos

A Unidade deve ser informada sobre os resultados bacteriológicos da água da instituição/edifício havendo um JQ1 plano de intervenção descrevendo medidas a tomar no caso de resultado bacteriológicos positivos. A compra de material endoscópico e equipamento de reprocessamento deve envolver, sempre que aplicável, uma equipa multidisciplinar (os utilizadores e a Comissão de Controlo da Infeção e o Serviço de Saúde Ocupacional, Serviço de Instalações e Equipamento). Deve haver um plano com critérios para substituição e manutenção dos endoscópios e do equipamento de reprocessamento dos endoscópios (a Rede de

Referenciação Hospitalar de Gastrenterologia)22. Na atualidade, a endoscopia digestiva tem vindo a tornar-se um procedimento progressivamente mais complexo e mais generalizado sendo realizado em todo o país, em hospitais, clínicas e consultórios médicos. A descontaminação apropriada de material e equipamentos utilizados em endoscopia digestiva é uma componente essencial dos programas de Segurança do Doente

e Qualidade RO4929097 das Instituições de Saúde. Assim, cumprindo o plano de ação do Programa Nacional de Controlo de Infeção (PNCI) e por determinação do Diretor-Geral da Saúde foi criado um Grupo de Trabalho para desenvolver as «Recomendações para o reprocessamento em Endoscopia Digestiva» por Despacho n.° 11/2011 a fim de uniformizar a prática baseada na evidência seguindo as orientações estabelecidas a nível europeu. O Grupo de Trabalho insere-se no âmbito da Divisão de Segurança do Doente do Departamento da Qualidade na Saúde. “
“O espectro de atividade da colite

ulcerosa (CU) é variável e o seu curso clínico pode ser imprevisível. Embora a maioria destes doentes apresente evolução favorável da doença com episódios de agudização e remissão capazes de serem resolvidos com recurso a salicilatos e corticoesteroides per os, cerca de 15-20% irá apresentar agudizações graves com necessidade de hospitalização 1. Recentemente o American College of Gastroenterology e o European Crohn’s and Colitis Organization definiram como agudização grave Etomidate a presença de 6 ou mais dejeções por dia e evidência de sinais de toxicidade sistémica demonstrados por febre, taquicardia, anemia ou elevação da velocidade de sedimentação 2 and 3. Se existir dilatação cólica não obstrutiva (mais de 6 cm de diâmetro no cólon transverso) associada aos achados tóxicos sistémicos, estamos perante um quadro de megacólon tóxico, uma emergência médica potencialmente fatal que exige rápida e agressiva monitorização e intervenção médica-cirúrgica 4. Ainda que a maioria dos doentes com CU grave responda à corticoterapia, cerca de 30% são refratários, restando a terapêutica médica de 2.ª linha com infliximab ou ciclosporina, ou a abordagem cirúrgica5.

36 W and with turbine was 14 95 W which corresponds to a decrease

36 W and with turbine was 14.95 W which corresponds to a decrease of 27%. For T=2.5 s a significant reduction of about 37% was recorded. On the other hand, the reduction in the water power for T=3 s was 20% indicating that the turbine did not offer that much of flow resistance. Table 2 reveals an interesting observation, even though at T=2.5 s the wave power is higher than that at selleck products 3 s but the power available to the turbine (water power) is more at T=3 s. In simple words, higher the water power, higher will be the turbine output power. Table 3 shows the turbine

power while the turbine efficiency is given in Fig. 16 for the different wave periods and turbine speed respectively. The turbine power for a fixed turbine speed increases with increasing wave period. There is a significant increase EPZ015666 solubility dmso in the turbine power at 2.5 s and a dramatic increase in the turbine power at wave period of 3 s. This is because of higher water power as highlighted

in Table 2 hence the turbine is able to extract more energy from the incoming and outgoing flow through the augmentation channel. The results indicate that for this device, higher power is produced from incoming waves with longer wavelengths. The efficiency increases with increasing rotational speed, reaches a maximum and decreases from here onwards as shown in Fig. 16. In the present study, the number of blades was fixed at 30. The only variables were the wave period and the turbine speed. Under these varying conditions, there has to be a point where the turbine has the highest efficiency. The flow is generally

constant at a given wave period and if the turbine is rotating too fast, looking at an instant, water passing through the turbine blade is unable to impart energy effectively because the time between two successive blades to come in contact with the fluid is very short. On the other hand if the turbine rotates too slowly, the water passes quickly through the blade passage and again imparts very little energy. So it is critical Megestrol Acetate to obtain the speed at which the turbine produces maximum power and has peak efficiency under a given wave condition. The peak in efficiency basically indicates that the interaction between the turbine and flow is maximized at this optimum rotational speed. At this speed maximum energy is extracted hence higher turbine power and efficiency. For T=2 s, highest efficiency of 44.73% is obtained at rotational speed of 35 rpm. At wave periods of 2.5 s and 3 s, the best efficiency point shifts from 35 rpm to 30 rpm. Maximum turbine power of 14 W which corresponds to an efficiency of 55% is obtained at a wave period of 3 s. It is interesting to see that, at speeds of 35 rpm and 40 rpm, the turbine efficiency is higher at T=2 s than at T=2.5 s. Flow in the augmentation channel with and without the turbine at T=3 s is shown in Fig. 17.

In order to test this, we investigated how CRLP pre-treatment aff

In order to test this, we investigated how CRLP pre-treatment affected monocyte chemotaxis across a transwell filter towards MCP-1. As predicted, decreased MCP-1 levels in the culture medium of monocytes after treatment with CRLP enhanced the subsequent migration of the cells towards a higher concentration of MCP-1, and furthermore, selleck chemical this effect was reversed by addition of exogenous MCP-1 to the culture medium after the incubation with CRLP (Figure 5). We propose, therefore that CMR have an overall pro-migratory effect on circulating monocytes via down-regulation of their constitutive MCP-1 secretion (Figure 4A). Enhancement

of IL-8 secretion by CMR may also increase monocyte migration, since this chemokine has recently been reported

to activate monocytes during firm adhesion to the endothelium [45]. In summary, this study demonstrates that CRLP cause lipid accumulation in peripheral blood monocytes and induce prolonged ROS production. Moreover, CRLP inhibit MCP-1 secretion and enhance their migration towards MCP-1. These findings indicate a pro-inflammatory, pro-migratory effect of CMR on peripheral blood monocytes, and support the current hypothesis that CMR contribute to the inflammatory milieu seen in susceptible areas of the artery wall in early atherosclerosis. This work was supported by grants from the British Heart Foundation, Wellcome Trust and University of London Central Research Fund. “
“In parallel

with the increase in adult Tanespimycin purchase obesity, childhood obesity is a rapidly growing health problem worldwide [1]. Obesity in childhood is linked to many serious health complications usually seen in adulthood [2]. Co-morbidities include elevated blood pressure, increased prevalence of factors associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and lipid abnormalities [1]. The Gene–Diet Attica Investigation on childhood obesity (GENDAI) [3] was established to specifically explore the contribution of genetics and environmental factors in the development of childhood obesity. The GENDAI cohort consists of young children not of both sexes attending school in the area of Attica, Greece. Preliminary assessment provided the impetus for a more detailed study of the metabolic syndrome phenotype in the GENDAI cohort with particular focus on the genetic contribution to inter-individual variation in plasma lipids in the young and the potential modulation of these genetic associations by environmental influences. Genetic factors are considered to be important determinants of plasma lipoprotein levels in adults; however, the role of genetics in determining plasma lipoproteins in children and adolescents is less clear.

High molecular mass substances of pooled rat MAB perfusates were

High molecular mass substances of pooled rat MAB perfusates were concentrated 80-fold by ultrafiltration under N2 pressure using Amicon YM-10 membrane and Copanlisib research buy stored at 4 °C until use. All rat MAB CPA assays were carried out at 37 °C by incubating the specified substrate with the enzyme in 150 μL of 20 mM Tris–HCl buffer pH 8.1,

and the reactions terminated by the addition of 10 μL of 5% TFA. One unit of enzyme activity was defined as the amount of enzyme capable of releasing 1.0 μmol of product per min from the indicated substrate solution; unless otherwise specified, the concentration of Z-Val-Phe in the reaction mixture was 10 mM and those of angiotensin peptides and bradykinin were 0.25 mM. The cleavage of Z-Val-Phe and other peptides was assessed by reversed-phase HPLC analysis on a Shimadzu SCL-6B equipment fitted with a 0.46 cm × 15 cm Vydac ODS column; Phe and peptide fragments were eluted with a linear gradient of acetonitrile concentration ranging from 0 to 10% (10 min) and 12 to 45% (33 min) in 0.1% TFA, respectively, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min, and monitored by absorbance at 215 nm; peptides were identified http://www.selleckchem.com/products/Thiazovivin.html by comparison of their retention times with those of the respective cognate synthetic peptides. Whenever used, the protease

inhibitors MGTA, PCI, 1,10-phenanthroline and SBTI were preincubated for 10 min, at the indicated concentrations, with the enzyme solution. To estimate the kinetic parameters for the rat CPA1 and CPA2-catalyzed hydrolyses of Ang II, initial velocities were determined, in duplicate, under conditions adjusted to limit substrate consumption to less than 10% of its initial concentration. Thus, samples of rat MAB CPA1 (0.45 mU, based on Z-Val-Phe hydrolysis) and CPA2 (9.2 mU, based on Z-Val-Phe hydrolysis) were incubated at 37 °C for 20 min and 150 min, respectively, in a final volume of 0.5 mL of 20 mM Tris–HCl buffer, pH 8.1, with

seven concentrations of Ang II ranging from 10 to 200 μM for CPA1 and 25 to 500 μM for CPA2. Reactions were terminated by the addition of 20 μL of 5% TFA and the respective click here products were assayed by HPLC analysis. The kinetic parameters Michaelis constant, Km, and catalytic constant, kcat, were derived from initial velocity data (N = 2) using GraFit version 3.0 software [15], which performed non-linear regression analysis of data plotted according to the Michaelis–Menten equation. The initial step in the purification of the two major rat MAB Ang-processing carboxypeptidases was carried out by anion exchange chromatography, as detailed in a previous work [25].

Cadmium can bind to the sulphhydryl groups in proteins and affect

Cadmium can bind to the sulphhydryl groups in proteins and affect the structure and function of these molecules. MT is a cysteine-rich, metal-binding protein protecting cells from cytotoxic heavy metals, including cadmium, by sequestration (Liu et al. 1995, Waalkes 2000). It was shown earlier that cadmium induces MT in the abdominal muscle of C. crangon ( Napierska & Radłowska 1998). Cadmium is responsible for several toxic effects that lower the GSH level. In addition, cadmium induces oxidative processes in cells; GSH is the most efficacious antioxidant

(Wang et al. 2004). Cadmium complexing by reduced glutathione is one of the first defensive Doramapimod supplier reactions of animals (Bruggeman et al. 1992). GSH is an important intracellular tripeptide containing cysteine (present in cells up to 8 mM) ( Griffith 1999). Under normal physiological circumstances, at the expense of NADPH, oxidized glutathione (GSSG) is reduced to GSH by glutathione reductase, PARP inhibitor leading to a high GSH/GSSG ratio, thereby forming a redox cycle ( Canesi & Viarengo 1997, Griffith 1999, Lu 2000, Lee et al. 2008). Cadmium is an environmental contaminant in seawater that accumulates in organisms; it can be ingested by some animals through their food. It was shown earlier that the cadmium concentration in the abdominal muscles of C. crangon inhabiting the Gulf of Gdańsk is 10 times higher than that

in the abdominal muscles of shrimps Palaemon serratus from Concarneau Bay, Atlantic Ocean ( Napierska et al. 1997). The high level of cadmium in C. crangon muscles is due to the serious water pollution in the Gulf of Gdańsk, the region from where the shrimps were collected. In fish, cadmium can reach the blood via the alimentary canal, and the albumin present in the blood in high concentrations may act as a chelating agent of cadmium. Albumin is a 70 kDa protein containing about 7% cysteine in its amino acid sequence and can act as non-specific Sclareol chaperone to some enzyme activity. In this way, albumin can protect other protein molecules from direct cadmium binding, as has been shown for malic enzyme ( Figure 4 and 6). ME catalyses the reversible decarboxylation of malate to form pyruvate in the

presence of NADP coenzyme: the divalent manganese or magnesium cation is necessary to start the enzymatic reaction. Over the pH range 6.5–7.0, the rate of pyruvate carboxylation is equal to the rate of malate decarboxylation, suggesting an anaplerotic function for abdominal muscle ME in C. crangon ( Biegniewska & Skorkowski 1983). ME activity in crustacean and fish muscles is much higher than that observed in most terrestrial species ( Skorkowski 1988). ME is particularly interesting since it uses pyruvate as a substrate and provides an alternative route for pyruvate metabolism in fish muscle during the active mobilization of protein as an energy source or supports gluconeogenesis in the liver during salmon spawning migration ( Mommsen et al. 1980, Mommsen 2004).

A few works that focused on new isoforms of annotated genes, such

A few works that focused on new isoforms of annotated genes, such as NANOG and FOXP1, have shown the importance of characterization of novel transcripts selleck compound of PSCs. Thus, some researches, such as ENCODE project and Au’s work attempted to characterize the whole transcriptome of hESCs. Under a certain control of FRR, Au and his colleagues provided a list of novel genes and novel gene isoforms, from which a number of lncRNAs was predicted and their functions in pluripotency regulation were studied

as well. The previous works could not find these novel lncRNAs because of their highly repetitive sequences. Using the latest sequencing techniques, Au’s method overcame this difficulty. Therefore, more efforts are needed to expand and optimize this method to more PSCs, such as iPSC, the other hESC cell lines and embryo cells. As we complete transcriptome profiling of different PSCs and the transition stages between them, we will gain better understanding

of pluripotency. Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review, have been highlighted as: • of special interest “
“Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 2014, 28:78–82 This review comes from Selleckchem CDK inhibitor a themed issue on Cell reprogramming, regeneration and repair Edited by José CR Silva and Renee A Reijo Pera http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gde.2014.09.010 0959-437X/© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). The field of X chromosome inactivation (XCI), the process by which one X chromosome in female mammals is transcriptionally inactivated in order to equalize gene

expression in males and females, is now in its sixth decade and has produced a substantial understanding of the cell and molecular biology underlying this epigenetic regulation [1 and 2]. Even though our mechanistic understanding of the events in XCI is quite sophisticated, we are still identifying new players and further refining our understanding as illustrated by recent advances. With the discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in 2006 [3], a new subfield of XCI emerged to characterize X chromosome state in these cells and their derivatives. This new technology unless made it possible to examine the same cells in a somatic context as well as an embryonic-like context to determine changes to the X chromosome during cell fate decisions, providing tools to interrogate reprogramming and pluripotency. This review will address new mechanistic advances in mouse and human XCI biology, the role of XCI in cancer initiation and progression, and new data on X chromosome state following reprogramming. Finally, it will discuss a new tool that has the ability to mark XCI in individual cells, which may be able to address many outstanding questions in the field.

Next, one treatment, in which cells of B comatum ingested no mor

Next, one treatment, in which cells of B. comatum ingested no more than one particle per cell on average, was chosen for analysis. All bottles with sea water (200 ml each) were incubated for half an hour on an anchored

experimental set-up deployed in the coastal zone of the Baltic Sea. All experiments were carried out between 11:00 and 14:00 hrs (around noon). Samples were HDAC inhibitor taken before and after the incubations and immediately fixed with acid Lugol’s solution (a low concentration – 0.5%). Samples were stored in a refrigerator (4°C) and analysed under an inverted microscope (Utermöhl 1958) within one month. All measurements were done manually with the image analysis system. Starch particles inside ciliates were categorized into 8 size classes: 1.25 μm, 2.50 μm, 3.75 μm… 10.00 μm (as above). Because some B. comatum cells contained dark inclusions prior to incubation (most probably food particles like flagellates), two analyses were performed:

before and after incubation, the difference being treated as due to starch particles ingested during the experiment. Typically, 50–70 cells in every sample were analysed (the minimum number of specimens was 23). Additionally, the abundance of natural food – nanoflagellates – was determined in the samples taken before experimental incubations. This was done under GSI-IX an epifluorescence microscope after staining with primulin ( Caron 1983). Balanion comatum ingested particles ranging from 1.25 μm to 6.25 μm, and preferably from two size classes, 2.50 μm and 3.75 μm. Because of the classification into arbitrary size classes, the preferred particle size in practice ranged from 1.9 to 4.4 μm. The clearance rate for the whole range of particles ingested generally rose from 1.4 to 6.4 μl cell−1 h−1 with a temperature increase from 8 to 19°C ( Figure 1); however, the dependence was non-significant (both linear and exponential models). Consistently higher estimates (Wilcoxon’s signed rank test, p = 0.04)

were obtained for particles of preferred size (1.9–7.0 μl cell−1 h−1, the same temperature range). This clearance rate (for preferred particles) rose significantly with temperature ( Table 1). The linear approximation was statistically highly significant (R2 = 0.91, Rapamycin ic50 p = 0.01), whereas the exponential model yielded a lower significance (R2 = 0.86, p = 0.02). Q10 calculated with the exponential model amounted to 2.9 and lay within the range of typical values. As the studies were carried out under natural conditions (temperature, irradiance, wave motion), the measured clearance rates were most probably very close to the natural ones. Starch particles are typically used as a surrogate food for oligotrichs and choreotrichs (Heinbokel 1978, Kivi & Setälä 1995), that is, filter-feeders that ingest particles rather unselectively.

The coefficient of variation (COV) for each grid is calculated as

The coefficient of variation (COV) for each grid is calculated as 100×standarddeviationmean to evaluate seasonal and interannual SST stability, which increases with decreasing COV for each grid. The monthly and interannual effects of various atmospheric parameters, i.e. NAOI, SLP, P, TCC, τax, τay and T2m, and of air-sea heat fluxes on SST variability are studied using the correlation coefficient (R) and number of observations

(n). All correlation coefficients have been tested for significance at the 95% level; however, the t-test is used to examine the significance (at 95%) of all the linear trends. τax and τay are calculated using a standard bulk formula: τax=ρaCDUW,τay=ρaCDVW, where ρa (1.3 kg m− 3) is the air density, CD is the

air drag coefficient, U and V are the wind components in the x and y directions, respectively, and NU7441 W is the wind speed. The selleck air drag coefficient is calculated in its non-linear form ( Large & Pond 1981), modified for low wind speeds as in Trenberth et al. (1990): CD=0.00218forW≤1ms−1,CD=0.62+1.56/W0.001for1ms−110ms−1.. Following, for example, Omstedt (2011), air-sea heat fluxes can be expressed by the net heat loss from the sea Fn and solar radiation to the open water surface Fos, where Fn is the sum of sensible heat flux (Fh),latent heat flux (Fe) and net long-wave radiation (Fl). The study area is treated as 10 sub-basins. Myosin The Mediterranean Sea is divided into eight sub-basins, i.e. the Alboran, Algerian, Tyrrhenian, LPC, Ionian, Levantine, Aegean and Adriatic sub-basins, together with the Black Sea and the AAM sub-basin. The SST results obtained using the ensemble mean of the four CMIP5 future scenarios for the 2000–2012 period

together with historical CMIP5 results for the 1982–1999 period were tested using AVHRR SST data. Direct monthly and annual biases (i.e. CMIP5 ensemble mean minus AVHRR) were used to evaluate the accuracy of the CMIP5 over the 1982–2012 period. The CMIP5 ensemble mean was calculated based on 24 global climate models computed at KNMI (http://climexp.knmi.nl/select.cgi). The 30-year running average SST over the 21st century was calculated to illustrate future trends and uncertainties based on the four CMIP5 scenarios used. This evaluates the most important factor affecting the projected SST at the end of this century, including its seasonal, regional and emissions variations. The Mediterranean SST and the seasonal and annual climatology-averaged SST of the Mediterranean’s adjacent regions will be used to describe the SST dynamics. The annual average Mediterranean SST is calculated to be 19.7 ± 1.3 °C (Figure 2a). The much warmer water, calculated on the basis of two standard deviations from the mean (> 22.4 °C), occurred over only 0.

MSP in the EU receives important impetus from a number of EU dire

MSP in the EU receives important impetus from a number of EU directives, policies and regulations. Such policy drivers can be broadly categorised into four groups: environmental legislation, legislation for renewable energy, fisheries regulation

and frameworks for cross-sectoral and integrated management. It is important to recognise that although most of the policy drivers discussed below do not contain explicit provisions for cross-sectoral MSP, they do have direct and significant influence on the www.selleckchem.com/products/dabrafenib-gsk2118436.html allocation of marine space for a particular purpose, thereby affecting the availability of space for other sectors. The synergies and tensions between the different policy drivers therefore represent opportunities and challenges for the emergence of fully integrated, cross-sectoral MSP initiatives. The

discussion below draws on a review of the objectives and provisions of the main policy drivers as summarised in Table S1 (see Supplementary Material). In Europe, one of the most important drivers for MSP is biodiversity conservation legislation, as part of the EU’s fulfilment of international commitments under, inter alia, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the World Summit on Sustainable Development. The most significant policy drivers include the RG7422 chemical structure Birds (Directive 2009/147/EC) and Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC), which require EU Member States to designate and protect Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), together known as the Natura 2000 network. The Habitats Directive aims to maintain the ‘favourable conservation status’ of species GABA Receptor and habitats through the establishment of Natura 2000 sites, as well as the protection of listed species throughout their natural range. The Directive provides for the protection of over 1000 animals and plant species and over 200 habitat types

[21]. These include 9 marine habitat types and 18 marine species [22]. The marine Natura 2000 network consists of 1813 sites covering a total area of 198,760 km2, though significant gaps still exist, particularly in offshore environments [23]. At the heart of the Habitats Directive is Article 6, which requires sound management of Natura 2000 sites through various measures ( Table S1, Supplementary Material). A series of non-binding guidance documents have been published by the Commission on the application of Article 6, including on environmental impact assessments in Natura 2000 sites and on the application of Article 6 in specific sectors, such as wind energy, port development and non-energy mineral extraction [24].

The monthly mean values of the aerosol

optical thickness

The monthly mean values of the aerosol

optical thickness in summer 2002 were considerable much than in the other years considered. A particularly high monthly EPZ015666 cell line mean AOT(500) for 2002 was recorded in August, when it reached 0.323 ± 0.237. For comparison, the monthly mean aerosol optical thicknesses in the Augusts of the other years varied from 0.065 ± 0.050 in 1999 to 0.139 ± 0.079 in 2003 (Figure 4a). The monthly mean values of < α(440, 870) > from June to September of 2002 also reached exceptionally high values ( Figure 4b). The monthly mean values of the aerosol optical thickness AOT(500) in July and August of 1999 were the lowest of all. The aerosol optical thickness above Gotland is influenced not only by periodic and incidental phenomena near the Baltic Sea shore, but also by distant continental phenomena. The origin of air masses advecting over Gotland has an impact on the aerosol optical thickness as well as the Ångström exponent. Based on a synoptic map analysis of AOT(500) measurements over five years, AOT(500) values < 0.100 were linked to the advection of maritime Arctic and maritime Polar air masses over the Baltic area. The advection of continental Polar air above the Baltic (six-day CDK inhibitor backward trajectories leading from over central Europe) can increase the aerosol optical thickness up to 0.682 (± 0.025),

as observed on 1 April 2002. In summer 2002, fires intensified by persistent drought contributed to the high values of the aerosol optical thickness. Monthly composite satellite

images available from FIRMS (The Fire Information for Resource Management System) show the particularly numerous forest and field fires in northern Europe, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in 2001 and 2002. Moreover, in summer 2002 the modal wind direction was different from that in the other summers considered here. For example, north-easterly winds (40°) were predominant in August 2002, whereas winds from the north-west (300° and 310°) were the most frequent in 1999, 2001 and 2003. The specific synoptic situation in 2002 favoured the transport of aerosol towards Gotland derived from the biomass burning. For example, the biomass burning aerosols transported over the Baltic Sea along with advecting air on 31 July or 12 August 2002 resulted in < AOT(500) >31072002 = 0.661 ± 0.084 and < AOT(500) >12082002 = 0.62 4 ± 0.162. The enlarged emission of aerosol and an Liothyronine Sodium increase in AOT(500) in spring was presumably related to agricultural waste straw burning (Niemi 2003). It is worth noting that during the time period under scrutiny, cases of air advection from Africa at 3000 m above the Baltic region were observed in spring and summer. However, at lower altitudes the air then usually came from the burning regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. In such cases the daily mean aerosol optical thicknesses for λ = 500 nm were lower (i.e. < AOT(500) >12042002 = 0.261 ± 0.055, < AOT(500) >12052002 = 0.249 ± 0.038, < AOT(500) >13082002 = 0.416 ± 0.