Children Selleck PD 332991 with one or more signs or symptoms of the a priori criteria were examined by a pediatrician, referred to a pediatric surgeon and admitted to hospital, as necessary. An intususception case adjudication committee consisting of a pediatric surgeon, a pediatrician, and a radiologist reviewed all investigator-diagnosed cases of intussusception using the Brighton criteria level 1 to provide the final diagnosis [14].
Analyses were done by Quintiles using SAS® Version 9.2. Efficacy analysis is presented for the per-protocol (PP) population. The PP population included all subjects who received the same treatment for all three doses of vaccine orplacebo within the a priori defined windows and who reported episodes of diarrhea occurring more than 14 days after the third dose. For each endpoint within the three age windows (from more than 14 days after third dose to the end of age 1 and 2 years and for age 1–2 year period), only the first event was counted for each subject. The
follow up period associated with each event was calculated as time to occurrence of that event or date of dropout or the date of completion of follow up. Efficacy estimates for first year of life include events that occurred till one year of age and efficacy for the second year includes events occurring between 1 and 2 years. Vaccine efficacy was calculated as 100 × (1 − [nv/Fv]/[np/Fp]) person time incidence rate, where nv and np were the number of subjects with at least one episode in the relevant old groups (vaccine or placebo) and Fv and Fp are the total
length of follow up in the relevant treatment group. p values and confidence intervals for vaccine efficacy were computed buy LEE011 using exact binomial methods [15]. Efficacy outcomes are also displayed as a forest plot of incidence rate ratios on a log scale in the two groups. The time to event analysis by groups are presented as Kaplan–Meier curves. The Department of Biotechnology, and Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, Government of India, New Delhi, India; the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (#52714) to PATH, USA; Research Council of Norway; Department for International Development, United Kingdom; National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA; Bharat Biotech International Limited, Hyderabad, India provided funding. The funders had no influence on how the data was collected; analyses were done by Quintiles. Of the 7848 infants screened, we enrolled 6799 subjects: 4532 subjects received the vaccine and 2267 subjects the placebo. A total of 4419 in the vaccine group and 2191 in the placebo group completed follow up till 2 years of age. In the PP analyses, 4354 in the vaccine group and 2187 in the placebo group were included for the overall analyses (Fig. 1). The total follow up time in the PP population was 7066.4 and 3482.3 years in the vaccine and placebo groups, respectively. The mean (SD) ages at the time of receiving dose one, two and three were 6.8 (0.6), 11.7 (2.4) and 16.3 (2.