Serum samples from mice with lung infection or skin infection caused by S. aureus strain LAC and from mice with intravenously-induced bacteraemia caused by S. aureus isolate P or isolate S were analysed. Mouse pooled serum (MPS) was used as a positive control. For MPS, mice inoculated intravenously with 5 × 105 CFU of S. aureus isolate P were bled 5 weeks after infection. Serum from non-infected mice was used as a negative control. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS software, version 15.0 (SPSS). The Mann–Whitney U
test was used to compare median differences in anti-staphylococcal IgG levels. Differences were considered statistically significant when 2-sided P-values were < 0.05. In multiplex 1 and multiplex 2, a 1/100 dilution of mouse Selleck PI3K Inhibitor Library serum and a 1/100 dilution of RPE-conjugated AffiniPure goat anti-mouse IgG were found to be optimal. Next, multiplex 1 was verified Cobimetinib manufacturer using HPS. MFI values obtained for HPS with multiplex
1 were 76%, 80%, 94%, and 95% for Nuc, LytM, ClfA, and IsaA, respectively, of the MFI values obtained with the singleplex assays, indicating that multiplex 1 was approved for use. In multiplex 1 and multiplex 2, serum incubated with control beads (beads without protein coupled on their surface) resulted in median MFI values for IgG of 8 (range, 5–85), indicating that nonspecific binding was low. The negative control (PBS–BN) incubated with protein-coupled beads also resulted in low MFI values (≤ 12). For multiplex 1 and multiplex 2, inter-assay variation was investigated and calculated from MFI values obtained
for MPS, which was included on each 96-wells plate. MFI values were averaged per protein. The median CV was 16%, and the range was 7% (IsaA) to 39% (LukF). The relatively high CV for LukF was due to the low MFI values, being close to 0. To assess whether proteins on the microspheres cross reacted with serum antibodies directed against other proteins, the antibody profile in serum samples from mice immunized with GEM-based monovalent staphylococcal vaccines was determined. The MFI values reflecting serum IgG levels for individual mice are shown in Fig. 1. In serum from protein-vaccinated Rebamipide mice, median serum IgG levels directed against the vaccine protein were high, while IgG levels against the other proteins were low. The MFI values reflecting serum IgG levels for individual mice at 5 weeks after infection are shown in Fig. 2. The protein-specific antibody levels showed substantial inter-individual variability. Median IgG levels in sera from non-infected mice were low and comparable to the negative control (PBS–BN). In both lung-infected mice and skin-infected mice, median serum IgG levels directed against Nuc, IsaA, Efb, alpha toxin, LukE, LukS, and SSL1 were significantly increased compared to non-infected mice. Interestingly, differences between mice with lung infection or with skin infection caused by the same strain were also observed.