Figure 3 Phylogenetic trees constructed from unambiguously aligned nad 3- atp 9 intergenic region, as G418 molecular weight produced by NJ analysis. Clade credibility using NJ calculated from 1K replicates (upper numbers in roman), parsimony BS support calculated from 100 replicates (first lower numbers in italics) using PAUP and PPs produced by 1M generations (second lower numbers – in bold) using MrBayes, are shown. Fungal hosts, geographic locations and colour designations as in Fig. 2.
Figure 4 Phylogenetic trees constructed from unambiguously aligned atp6-rns intergenic region, as produced by NJ analysis. Clade credibility using NJ calculated from 1K replicates (upper numbers in roman), parsimony BS support calculated from 100 replicates (first lower numbers find more in italics) using PAUP and PPs produced by 1M generations (second lower numbers – in bold) using MrBayes, ISRIB clinical trial are shown. Fungal hosts, geographic locations and colour designations as in Fig. 2. Figure 5 Phylogenetic trees constructed from unambiguously aligned combined DNA sequences of the mt interegenic regions and the ITS domain as produced by NJ analysis. Clade credibility using NJ calculated from 1K replicates (numbers in roman), parsimonial BS support calculated from 100 replicates (numbers
in italics) using PAUP and PPs produced by 2M generations (numbers in bold) using MrBayes, are shown. Fungal hosts, geographic locations and colour designations as in Fig. 2. The 3 symbol Köppen-Geiger climate classification is also provided as follows: Af, Tropical Rain Forest; Am, Tropical Monsoon climate; Aw, Tropical wet and dry; BWh, Dry (arid and semiarid) desert low latitude climate; BWk, Dry (arid and semiarid) desert middle latitude climate; BSh, Dry (arid and semiarid) steppe
low latitude climate; BSk, Dry (arid and semiarid) steppe middle latitude climate; Csa/Csb, Temperate Mediterranean climate; Cfa/Cwa, Temperate humid subtropical climate; Cfb/Cwb/Cfc, Temperate Maritime climate; Cwb, Temperate with dry winters Interleukin-3 receptor climate; Cfc, Temperate Maritime Subarctic climate; Dfa/Dwa/Dsa, Hot summer Continental climate; Dfb/Dwb/Dsb, Warm summer Continental climate; Dfc/Dwc/Dsc, Continental Subarctic climate; Dfd/Dwd, Continental Subarctic climate with extremely severe winters [41]. Both mt intergenic regions were more variable than the nuclear ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 for the B. bassiana strains. MP analyses were based on 232 and 343 informative characters and produced 7,700 most parsimonious trees with tree lengths 750 (CI = 0.71, HI = 0.29, RI = 0.87, RC = 0.62) and 1,085 steps (CI = 0.68, HI = 0.37, RI = 0.87, RC = 0.59) for the nad3-atp9 and atp6-rns regions, respectively. B. bassiana strains clustered into the same two groups (Clade A and C) and again the three isolates (SP IR582, SP O46 and SP U259) were placed as a separate group, as in the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 trees (Fig. 3 and 4). Strains of B. brongniartii were basal to those of B.