241 In addition, amiodarone has been directly associated with delirium,242-245 depressive symptoms,246,247 and fatigue251; these effects have not been studied comprehensively but do not appear to be frequent complications of amiodarone use. Bottom line: Amiodarone is associated with thyroid abnormalities in 15% of patients, and untreated thyroid dysregulation can lead to a variety #INCB024360 order keyword# of mood, cognitive, and psychotic symptoms. In contrast, direct neuropsychiatrie effects
of amiodarone are uncommon. Digoxin Derived from the foxglove plant, Digitalis lanaia, digoxin is used in the treatment of congestive heart failure and as a rate control agent for atrial fibrillation and atrial Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical flutter. Digoxin has been associated with a wide variety of neuropsychiatric side effects, both in toxicity and at therapeutic levels. Keller and Fishman,47 in their excellent review of the neuropsychiatrie Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical effects of cardiovascular medications, described the range of neuropsychiatrie symptoms associated with digoxin. Such effects include fatigue, depression, psychosis, and delirium,
and the prescribing information for digoxin reports “mental disturbance” in 5% of patients taking digoxin (vs 1% with placebo).249 It appears that cognitive effects, such as delirium, may be the most
common neuropsychiatrie consequences Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of digoxin use, as over 80% of digoxin-associated adverse psychiatric effects reported to a Canadian national registry were classified as “encephalopathy.”250 Digoxin-associated delusions and other psychotic symptoms often occur in the context of delirium, although rarely digoxin toxicity Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical may present with isolated psychotic symptoms.251-254 In addition, visual changes (such as blurred or yellow vision) and hallucinations are relatively common side effects of digoxin use. Depressive symptoms from have been associated with digoxin in small trials and case reports, and digoxin toxicity can sometimes masquerade as depression.255-257 Depression linked with use of digoxin – as with many mood syndromes associated with cardiovascular medications- presents with prominent fatigue, low appetite, and impaired sleep.47 Despite these reports, however, larger prospective trials have not supported a strong link between digoxin and the development of depression.258,259 Bottom line: Digoxin is associated with delirium and other cognitive effects, especially in toxicity. Visual changes and hallucinations may also occur with digoxin use, even at normal serum levels.