The reason for this difference is not known, but it is suggested to be related to methodology in combination with a bias in the selection of fibers for contractile recordings. The most atrophic fibers from the ALK inhibitor patient broke during dissections or during activations, showed regional loss of the cross-striation pattern or developed non-uniform sarcomere lengths during maximum calcium activations, and were therefore not Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical included in the analyses, i.e., the most pathological fibers with the lowest myosin:actin ratios. The myosin loss may accordingly be greater than observed at the single fiber level. From this follows that the overall reduction in specific force may be significantly
larger than 30%. Thus, the reduction in force generation capacity together with the 50% reduction of muscle fiber cross-sectional area can accordingly account Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical fully for the muscle paralysis in the patient with cancer cachexia. Discussion The cachectic state in patients with cancer indicates poor prognosis by lowering responses to chemotherapy and radiation. More than 50% of patients with cancer suffer from cachexia and nearly a third of mortalities are estimated to result from cachexia rather
than the tumor burden itself Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (15). There is accordingly a significant need for a detailed understanding of the mechanisms underlying cancer cachexia. The increase in inflammatory cytokine production in cancer cachexia is thought to trigger the muscle wasting. Recent in vitro and experimental rodent cancer models have shown that the combination of specific cytokines has a dramatic impact on protein loss where the motor protein myosin appears to be the primary Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical target (4). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study focussing on myosin expression and muscle fiber function in patients with cachexia associated with small cell lung cancer. The preferential loss of myosin and the consequent impairment in muscle fiber function are forwarded as the dominating mechanisms causing the rapidly progressing muscle wasting Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and weakness in our patient. A preferential loss of myosin and myosin associated below proteins has been repeatedly documented in critically ill ICU patients
with AQM, according to electron microscopy, electrophoretic separation of myofibrillar proteins, enzyme- and immunocytochemical analyses (16–20). Widespread myosin loss has therefore been considered to be essentially pathognomonic of AQM (21). Patients with AQM have typically been mechanically ventilated for several days and exposed to sepsis, non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents and corticosteroids. The preferential myosin loss has therefore been used as a sensitive diagnostic marker of AQM. The dramatic preferential loss of myosin observed in our cancer cachexia patient demonstrates that a decreased myosin:actin ratio is not a pathognomonic finding in the acquired muscle paralysis observed in critically ill ICU patients (18, 19, 22).