All patients accepted a nasogastric tube feeding and PEG feeding more than one month, Record the following indicators: ① the operating time and success rate, ② Intraoperative complications, including blood pressure fluctuations, oxygen saturation (SpO2) of less than 0.90, the puncture site bleeding puncture failure. ③Postoperative complications, including puncture site bleeding, stoma infection, accidental extubation, intestinal perforation, peritonitis, gastrocolic fistula, necrotizing fasciitis, regurgitation and aspiration, aspiration
pneumonia and leakage. ④ the patient’s nutritional indicators of the PEG catheter before and after a month. Including the white blood cells, lymphocyte count, plasma hemoglobin, total protein, albumin and transferrin change and weight, body mass index change. ⑤ the patients with aspiration pneumonia and reflux Veliparib supplier esophagitis before and after PEG. Results: 73 patients were successfully completed PEG operation.
The success rate is 100%. Operating time 15–30 min. Blood pressure was stable during the operation, four cases of SpO2 falls below once to 0.8, increase after BGB324 cost the flow of oxygen, SpO2 rose to 0.95 after the suspension of operations 5 min continue to complete the surgery. Bleeding less in 5 ml, Fistula in good position. Patients with local swelling and exudate of the skin around the stoma seven cases, 上海皓元 three cases of low-grade fever, and vomiting after feeding five cases, 6 cases of diarrhea, and four cases constipation, four cases of local pain, pneumoperitoneum three cases of aspiration pneumonia in 11 cases. After PEG. 3 patients removed the PEG tube accidentally after PEG 20 days to one month and fistula is a small amount of bleeding, The symptoms was controled after treatment and the PEG tube was given to replacement. No serious complications was found, such as colon injury and gastrocolocutaneous fistula, peritonitis and Buried bumper syndrome. No fistula clogging, the patients have a better tolerance to PEG tube. Improved nutritional status of patients, weight
loss under control, one month after enteral nutrition, white blood cells, lymphocyte count, plasma hemoglobin, total protein, albumin and transferrin changes and weight, body mass index were significantly improved. The incidence of pulmonary infection decreased from 63.0% preoperatively to 15.1% postoperatively, and that of reflux esophagitis decreased from 27.4% to 6.8%. Conclusion: PEG is a safe and feasible minimally invasive endoscopic surgery, has a short operating time, good effect of tube feeding, fewer and lighter complications. PEG can generally replace asogastric tube as the first choice of enteral nutrition for the patients with eating disorders. Key Word(s): 1. gastroscopy; 2. gastrostomy; 3. nasogastric tube; 4.