Among these influences are solvent evaporation and surfactant packing. Seshadri et al. have recently reported that increased evaporation of water and alcohol at the interface is a key parameter for changing
local concentrations and the degree of surfactant packing in interfacial growth [47]. The inferior pore order observed at high nitric acid contents and with sulfuric acid can be attributed to this phenomenon. SO4 −2 anion has a large size and can bond weakly to more water molecules than NO3 −. Similarly, at high nitric Thiazovivin acid content, excess NO3 − ions will bind to water molecules and reduce their tendency to evaporate. This causes localized dilution and loose packing of surfactant species within the water phase which leads to the observed low order/disordered structures (TEM Figure 4a and XRD Figure 7a). Similarly, localized dilution slows silica condensation which emerges as spherical morphologies (Figure 4a). More corrugation and better order were the case at low acid contents due to more evaporation which causes more packing, higher local concentrations, and faster silica condensation (Figures 4e and 7a). Effect of silica source Effect of the silica source on the quiescent growth product is represented by sample
MS4 in which TEOS substituted TBOS while keeping all other conditions unchanged. TEOS is less hydrophobic than TBOS, so it can diffuse more easily selleck chemical into the water phase and condense in the presence of surfactant micelles into mesoporous silica. The translucent water phase solution took a shorter period (a few hours) than the TBOS precursor (approximately
2 days) to form a turbid solution of fine Anlotinib nmr suspended solids plus a layer at the interface. The layer got thicker with time and was accompanied by growth and precipitation of fine white particles in the water bulk. Unlike TBOS, no fibers were seen at the interface with TEOS. TEOS alters the fiber formation mechanism and leads to nonfibrous shapes as confirmed by the SEM image in Figure 8a. Silica collected from the fine precipitate in the water phase bulk consists of twisted particles and GNAT2 gyroidal shapes having a wide and shallow (100) XRD peak in the low 2θ range (Figure 7b). This peak is characteristic of a mesopore system lacking the long-range order similar to the structure obtained in the presence of nitric acid (3.34 NA) and sulfuric acid. Figure 8 SEM (a) and TEM (b, c) images of sample MS4 prepared using TESO and HCl. Nitrogen sorption isotherms of the TEOS-based product and the corresponding surface area properties are given in Figure 6a and Table 2. Type IV isotherms were obtained with a broad capillary condensation step, pointing out the presence of a wide pore size distribution.