Briefly, 100 ul of samples were mixed with 30 ul dye solution. After adding 15 ul of the catalyst, absorbance customer review at 492 nm was deter mined at one minute intervals for 15 minutes at 37 C. Absolute LDH activity was calculated from a standard curve, using purified LDH. The lower limit of detection was 20 Units L, the assay was linear to 2500 Units L. Mass spectrometric lipid analysis For lipid analysis cells grown in Petri dishes were har vested by scraping off in 2 mL PBS supplemented with protease inhibitor. The cell suspen sion was sonicated. Lipid classes and subspecies were determined by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry using direct flow injection analysis, as described previously. Cells were extracted according to the Bligh and Dyer method in the presence of non naturally occurring lipid species used as internal standards.
A precursor ion scan of m z 184 specific for phosphocholine containing lipids was used for phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin and lysophosphatidylcholine. Neutral loss scans of m z 141 and m z 185 were used for phosphati dylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine, respectively. Phosphatidylglycerol was analyzed using a neutral loss scan of m z 189 of ammonium adduct ions. Ceramide and glucosylceramide were analyzed as previously described using N heptadeca noyl sphingosine as internal standard. Quantification was achieved by calibration lines generated by addition of naturally occurring lipid species to pooled cell homoge nate. All lipid classes were quantified with internal stan dards belonging to the same lipid class, except SM.
Each lipid class was calibrated with a variety of species covering chain lengths and number of double bonds of naturally occurring species. Correction of isotopic overlap of lipid species and data analysis was performed by self programmed Excel macros for all lipid classes according to the described principles. Flow cytometry Human lymphocytes and neutrophils were isolated from whole blood using LeucoSep and Ficoll Isopaque gradient den sity isolation method according to the manufacturers instructions. Cells were incubated for 6 hours or 24 hours at 37 C with supernatants of MLE 12 cells expressing wild type or mutant proSP C. Cell free supernatants were col lected after 48 hours of growth and concentrated 7 fold, using Microsep 1 k centrifugal concentrators.
Cells were analyzed by four col our flow cytometry as described previously. The following antibodies were used, PE conjugated mouse anti human CCR2 B, FITC labeled anti human CD8, FITC labeled anti human CD4, PE conjugated mouse anti human CD11b Mac 1, PE conjugated mouse anti human CD181. Results are pre sented as mean fluorescence intensity after GSK-3 sub tracting background binding provided by non specific isotypes. Calculations were performed with CellQuest analysis software. Statistical methods Since the data was distributed non Gaussian, non para metric tests were used for comparison of two unpaired groups.