’ (Evidence level C) Guideline E. This guidelines discusses when dialysis should be initiated and ensuring that it is not instituted when eGFR falls below 6 but between 8–10 ml/min per 1.73 m2. It does not discuss management of patients
in whom dialysis is not to be instituted. Cameron Stewart and Frank Brennan A doctor incurs no civil or criminal liability if, on the basis of a refusal to commence or continue dialysis, the doctor does not give that treatment. To go ahead and give treatment to a patient who has refused consent, constitutes a battery. If the actions of a nephrologist Tanespimycin cell line are reasonable in withholding dialysis or withdrawing from dialysis then it is highly unlikely that a negligence action would be successful. The law does not obligate a nephrologist to provide treatment that they believe is of no benefit to the patient, but best practice requires that the nephrologist communicate with the substitute decision-makers regarding the patient’s best interests.
Withholding or withdrawing dialysis is not euthanasia. Equally it does not constitute Physician Assisted Suicide. If a patient is competent the patient makes the decision whether or not to consent to dialysis. The family cannot insist on dialysis when a patient refuses. If the patient is incompetent and there is a dispute between Dabrafenib solubility dmso the surrogate decision makers and clinical team are in dispute about treatment, some simple ADAM7 preliminary steps may be taken, including seeking a second opinion. Ultimately, disputes can be resolved by the Supreme Court or guardianship authority. A substantial body
of law has developed over centuries establishing clear legal principles that have a direct relevance to the practice of Nephrology, including decisions made to withhold or withdraw dialysis. Firstly, and as a foundation principle, the law neither seeks nor expects perfection from doctors. What it does expect is that doctors, including nephrologists, act reasonably in all aspects of diagnosis, investigation and management, where reasonableness is assessed by reference to competent peer, professional practice. Competent patients have a right to make decisions regarding their treatment. In essence, competency requires the following: The person understands what is being said to them. The person retains that information. The person exercises reason to reach a conclusion. The test for patient capacity was set out the case of Re MB (Medical Treatment) [1997] 2 FLR 426 at [30]: A person lacks capacity if some impairment or disturbance of mental functioning renders the person unable to make a decision whether to consent to or to refuse treatment.