For their strong antioxidant activity carotenoids of plant, microbial or synthetic origin have several potential applications in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food industries. For example, carotenoids have been proposed to prevent the onset of chronic diseases [21] and reduce cancer-risk [22] in humans and, also for this reason, are widely marketed as dietary supplements. Non-pathogenic bacteria, able to colonize the human gut and able to produce carotenoids are, therefore, particularly desirable as food supplements
and/or functional food ingredients. Two pigmented Bacilli, B. firmus GB1 and B. indicus HU36, producing pink and yellow/orange carotenoids, respectively [19], have been characterized in detail and their genomes completely sequenced (Sequence files see more downloadable from Kinase Inhibitor Library cell assay Both strains have been isolated from human intestinal samples [6, 8] and have been proposed as probiotic strains [19, 20]. Here we report the annotation of the carbohydrate active Z-IETD-FMK solubility dmso enzymes (CAZymes) of B. firmus GB1 and B. indicus HU36. CAZymes are enzymes involved in the
synthesis and degradation of carbohydrates that, for the great variability of their substrates, comprise an extremely vast family of proteins. CAZymes are organized by the CAZy database into five main classes: i) glycoside hydrolases (GH), comprising glycosidases and transglycosylases [23], ii) glycosyl transferases (GT), that catalyse the formation of glycosidic bonds between phospho-activated sugar residues and an acceptor such as a polysaccharide, a lipid or a protein [24], iii) polysaccharide lyases
(PL) that eliminate activated glycosidic linkages present in acidic polysaccharides [25], iv) carbohydrate esterases (CE), that old remove ester-based modifications [25], and v) carbohydrate binding modules (CBM), non-catalytic protein domains [26]. Each of those classes are then sub-divided into several families, that group together enzymes on the base of structural and functional properties. The number and type of CAZymes carried by an organism has been used as a marker to assess the adaptation of that organism to a specific environment. Examples are species of the Bacteroides genus [27] and the Archaeon Methanobrevibacter smithii [28] identified as adapted to the human gut mainly based on their CAZy profile. Results and discussion B. indicus HU36 and B. firmus GB1 genomes contain high numbers of CAZymes Putative CAZymes in B. firmus GB1 and B. indicus HU36 were identified using the CAZy annotation pipeline (Additional Files 1 and 2, respectively) and compared to those of a selection of spore-forming Bacilli (Table 1). A total of 140 and 119 CAZymes were identified in the B. firmus and B. indicus genomes, respectively.