Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 7(1–2): 105 (1882) ≡ Humidicutis lewelliniae (Kalchbr.) A.M. Young, Fungi of Australia: 159, (2005). Type: AUSTRALIA, Western Port, Victoria, 14 June 1880, M.M.R. Lewellin, holotype RB MSS A11 (MEL). Humidicutis (Singer) Singer, Sydowia 12(1–6): 225, 1959 [1958]. Type species: Humidicutis marginata (Peck)
Singer (1959), ≡ Hygrocybe marginata (Peck) Murrill [as ‘Hydrocybe’], N. Amer. Fl. (New York) 9(6): 378 (1916), ≡ Hygrophorus marginatus Peck, Ann. Rpt. N.Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist. 28: 50 (1876). Basionym: Tricholoma subg. Humidicutis Singer, Sydowia 2(1–6): 28 (1948). Humidicutis is emend. here by Lodge to include species with a viscid pileipellis. Pileus convex, convex-umbonate or conic, margin rarely and not deeply Ilomastat order splitting; surface subhygrophanous, moist, rarely viscid (e.g., Temsirolimus supplier Humidicutis arcohastata and H. auratocephala), colors usually bright orange, yellow, pink, reddish purple or green but can be dull olivaceous or absent; lamellae thick, sinuate or broadly adnate, often with a decurrent tooth; odor absent or disagreeable;
carotenoid pigments usually present, encrusting pigments may also be present on cuticular hyphae, not soluble in alkaline solutions; pileipellis hyphae parallel, prostrate, cylindric; basidia usually 5 or more times longer than the spore length; basidiospores hyaline, thin-walled, inamyloid, not metachromatic, ellipsoid or broadly ellipsoid, not constricted; lamellar trama subregular or regular, of hyphae < 150 μm long, rarely tapered, with right-angled septa; clamp connections absent in context and pellis, but toruloid clamps present at the base of basidia and/or basidioles. Phylogenetic support There is 100 % ML BS support for a monophyletic Humidicutis in the 4-gene backbone (Fig. 1; 1.0 B.P. Online
Resource 6), and Supermatrix analyses (Fig. 2), 96 % MLBS support in the ITS-LSU analysis (Fig. 6), 77 % MLBS in the PAK6 ITS analysis (Online Resource 3) and 83 % MLBS support in the LSU analysis (Fig. 3). Species included Type species: Humidicutis marginatus. Species included based on molecular phylogeny and morphology are Humidicutis auratocephalus (Ellis) Vizzini and Ercole (2012) [2011], two undescribed species from Puerto Rico and one from Belize. Species included based on morphology alone include H. arcohastata (A.M. Young) A.M. Young, H. bagleyi (A.M. Young) A.M. Young, H. helicoides (A.M. Young) A.M. Young, H. lilacinoviridis (A.M. Young) A.M. Young, H. luteovirens (Horak) Horak, H. multicolor (Horak) Horak, H. peleae Desjardin & Hemmes, H. poilena Desjardin & Hemmes and H. viridimagentea A.M. Young & Syme. It is uncertain whether H. taekeri (A.M. Young) A.M. Young and H. woodii (A.M. Young) A.M. Young belong here as their lamellar trama hyphae are fusiform and exceed 140 μm in length. Some species placed by Horak (1990) in Humidicutis cannot be verified without analysis of the lamellar trama and molecular sequence data.