Such a composite tool could have many advantages: provided that it is simple, easy to use, inexpensive and noninvasive, it could improve education about lifestyle issues pertaining to a wide range of disease states while avoiding undue ′medicalisation′. It may also help those excluded from health services, whether through choice or geography, benefit from preventative advice. However, as with any new tool, there would be a need for careful validation, which in itself requires resources. Until such
validation has been completed, it will not be known whether the desired tool and appropriate threshold values can be derived to give appropriate levels of sensitivity and specificity. Careful modelling, ideally IDH inhibitor incorporating considerations of cost-effectiveness, would be needed. As with any screening tool, there is
a risk of promoting patient anxiety. These considerations are common to any new screening or health promotion activity. Nevertheless, by promoting general health and behavioural change, such a tool could reduce current inequalities in healthcare provision, and promote better linkage between specialist and primary care services. The ability to perform a simple self-assessment in a nonmedical setting CAL-101 solubility dmso could be beneficial in that it may encourage patients who do not currently know their ′chronic health′ risk status, in terms of bone health, coronary heart, diabetes and renal risk, to evaluate this. As
with any screening activity, such a tool may be adopted more by patients with higher levels of motivation, and also by the ′worried well’. For less motivated patients, it could be applied by healthcare professionals or by patient advocates, for example supporting the interventions led by health trainers and outreach support trainers around the country. The internet is the fastest growing form of social communication, particularly for younger people, and offers new means to deliver and access health information and maximize use of resources [61]. In addition to providing information, internet usage can enhance patients’ confidence in interacting with healthcare Thiamet G professionals [62, 63]. Patients who use the internet have been shown to be more effective compared with nonusers in areas such as independence, assisting in treatment decisions and sharing concerns with physicians [64]. Carers or advocates often use these resources on behalf of patients who are not able, or ready, to use the internet or similar applications off-line. It is increasingly recognized that healthcare interventions have direct outcomes that extend beyond individual patients and have collateral effects on their social contacts; social networks are therefore effective channels for disseminating health information [65, 66]. Traditional forms of communication are relatively disjointed and delayed, and lack spontaneity.