Temperature was 37 ± 0.5 °C and stirrer was set at 50 rpm. Aliquots of 5 ml were withdrawn at various intervals and were replaced with same quantity of fresh dissolution medium. Samples were analyzed at λmax of pimozide (279 nm) in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid solution. The percentage cumulative drug release (% CDR) was calculated. Drug release from aquasomes was evaluated for
kinetic principles and mechanisms. The regression analysis was attempted using Ms Excel statistical functions. Aquasomes were developed for an antipsychotic drug with a view to improve the solubility and hence bioavailability of the poorly aqueous soluble hydrophobic drug, on oral administration. Core preparation: Three methods were employed for preparation of ceramic core. Percentage yield and time taken for each method are given in Table Inhibitor Library order 1. In the technique of self precipitation, the simulated body fluid of pH 7.2 was stored in borosilicate bottles and kept at 37 ± 1 °C for one week and observed for the formation of precipitate. No ceramic core was formed and hence the method was found to be unapproachable. Based on the results (Table 1), co-precipitation by sonication
technique was selected for further preparation of core. Process variables like reaction volume and sonication period were optimized (Tables 2 and 3). Reaction RAD001 molecular weight volume of 40 ml and sonication period of 2 h were finalized based on percentage yield. Further, ceramic core was coated with lactose and extent of lactose loading was found to be 500 μg/100 mg. The lactose coated core was adsorbed with pimozide and percentage loading was found to be 9.13%. Based on the
characteristic bands observed (Fig. 1, Table 4) presence of calcium phosphate, lactose and pimozide can be confirmed in the final formulation. The SEM images of final aquasomes showed uniform particle size with spherical nanoparticles (Fig. 2) and particles were mostly individual. The average particle size for pimozide lactose aquasomes was found to be 90 nm and the size was within the range of aquasomes (60–300 nm). The average particle size of pimozide pure drug was determined using trinocular microscopy (Magnus MLX) and found to be 1210 nm. This indicated that the aquasomes fabrication yielded nano sized particles. In vitro dissolution studies were Thymidine kinase carried out to study the pimozide release from aquasomes. For the dissolution studies, pimozide alone (API) and aquasomes containing pimozide were utilized. The data obtained in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid solution was reported in Fig. 3, both for pimozide API and aquasome formulation. Aquasomes released the 60% of pimozide in 5 min, while the pure pimozide release was only 30% for the same period. In 0.1 N hydrochloric acid solution, 90% release was observed in 30 min. The in vitro release data were fitted to release kinetic models. The relevant parameters are reported in the equation ( Table 5).