The dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) was performed using TA Instruments DMA 2980 (New Castle, DE, USA) in the single cantilever mode. The frequency range was taken from 1 to 30 Hz, the amplitude of oscillation was chosen at 20 ± 0.001 μm and the temperature
interval was from −100°С to +400°С ± 0.1°С with a heating rate of 3°С ± 0.1°С/min. The OIS samples were in the form of blade with the following dimensions: height was h = 1 ± 0.01 mm, width d = 6 ± 0.01 mm and length l = 40 ± 0.01 mm. The data of DMTA and DSC measurements Adavosertib purchase were analyzed using the TA Instruments Universal Analysis 2000 ver. 3.9A. The dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS) methods allow studying of the dielectric relaxation phenomena of OIS. The DRS spectra were obtained by Novocontrol Alpha High-Resolution Dielectric Analyzer with Novocontrol Quatro Cryosystem (Montabaur, Germany) equipped with two-electrode scheme. The frequency range was 10−2 to 107 Hz, the temperature interval was from −100°С to +400°С ± 0.01°С, selleck and the cooling/heating rate equaled to 3°C/min. The data was analyzed using Novocontrol WinDETA ver 3.8 and Novocontrol WinFIT ver 2.8. Results and discussion The reactivity of the organic component is a relative parameter that is calculated from several chemical characteristics of products
[18, 19]. The length of molecular chains (molecular weight Mw) and number of reactive PDGFR inhibitor groups in the products are the major characteristics. The learn more mobility of molecular chains of products is neglected in this case. Therefore, in the first approximation, the reactivity of the organic component can be calculated using Equation 1: (1) where R is the reactivity of a component, x is the number of reactive groups, Mw react is the molecular weight of reactive groups, and Mw comp is the molecular weight of a component. For multi-component system, the reactivity
is determined by additive contributions of components. In this case, Equation 1 takes the following form: (2) where m i is the content of the i component, x i is the number of reactive groups in the i component, Mw react is the molecular weight of the reactive groups, and Mw icomp is the molecular weight of the i component. Equation 2 is valid if the reactive groups of all the components have an identical chemical structure. In our case, Equation 2 takes the following form: (3) where m MDI and m PIC are the contents of MDI and PIC, x MDI = 2 and x PIC = 3 are the numbers of the NCO groups in MDI and PIC, Mw NCO is the molecular weight of the NCO group, and Mw MDI and Mw PIC are the molecular weights of MDI and PIC, respectively. The compositions and reactivity of the organic component of OIS are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Reactivity and compositions of the organic component of OIS Reactivity (R) MDI (%) PIC (%) 0.04 100 0 0.1 80 20 0.14 65 35 0.16 58 42 0.18 50 50 0.22 35 65 0.26 20 80 0.