The major cell types show a diversity of physiological properties ranging from regular spiking to bursting that covary with cell morphology (Chiang and Strowbridge, 2007). Interestingly one class of bursting cells shows a strong initial burst to depolarization followed by an extended refractory period, suggesting it may play a specialized role in signal detection and stimulus onset. Olfactory tubercle neurons respond to odor (Murakami et al., 2005 and Wesson and Wilson, 2010), and single units respond differentially
to different odors (Kikuta et al., 2008 and Wesson and Wilson, 2010). Interestingly, tubercle single units also show multisensory responses, with single unit capable of responding to both odor and sound (Wesson and Wilson, 2010). The behavioral significance of this convergence is not known, but the data further emphasize that olfactory cortex, as is increasingly apparent in many sensory systems (Lakatos et al., Selleck Anti-diabetic Compound Library 2007), is not a simple, unisensory cortex. Thus, based on the anatomy
and limited known sensory physiology, information leaving the olfactory bulb targets distinctly different olfactory cortical subregions, each of which transform that information in distinct ways and presumably with distinct impact on odor guided behavior. This regional specialization extends to the piriform cortex itself, which can be divided into at least two distinct subareas. The anterior and posterior piriform cortices have been demonstrated to process odors in distinct ways in Palbociclib manufacturer both humans (Gottfried et al.,
2006 and Kirkwood et al., 1995) and rodents (Kadohisa and Wilson, 2006, Litaudon et al., 2003 and Moriceau and Sullivan, 2004). It has been suggested that more caudal regions of the olfactory cortex are anatomically and functionally more similar to higher order association cortex than primary sensory cortex. In rodents, the division between anterior and posterior piriform cortex occurs as the lateral olfactory tract axons ends and layer Ia reduces substantially in thickness. These more caudal regions receive input directly from mitral cells, but their see more relative contribution to pyramidal cell input diminishes in favor of association fiber input. Thus, while activity in anterior regions is strongly influenced by mitral cell afferent input, activity in more posterior regions becomes dominated by intracortical fiber input the olfactory cortex and other neighboring regions. This shift is even apparent in local field potential recordings which suggest a strong coherence between the anterior piriform cortex and olfactory bulb, while the posterior piriform cortex is more strongly coherent with the entorhinal cortex than with the olfactory bulb (Chabaud et al., 1999). Similarly, single units in posterior piriform show less robust odor responses and are less in phase with respiration than anterior piriform neurons (Litaudon et al., 2003).