The principle of electro spraying is to apply a high voltage to a polymeric solution to force the polymer to come out from the syringe in the form of nanoparticles. Electrospraying has emerged as a similar technique as Vismodegib dosing the electrospinning which uses the analogous technology for the production of nanostructures. The nanoparticles can be useful for numerous biological, medicinal or pharmaceutical applications because of its zero dimensional nature, whereas the nanofibers can be only useful for their two dimensional applications. Even then the research work done on electrosprayed nanoparticles quantified in terms of journal publications is quite less in comparison with that of the electrospun nanofibers. The advantages of the electrospraying include increased scalable synthesis, reproducibility and high encapsulation efficiency.
This method is not only convenient for the synthesis of synthetic polymer nanoparticles but also for natural polymer nanoparticles either protein or carbohydrate and was found to produce stable nanoparticles without any loss of their bioactivity of either the drug or encapsulating biomolecules. These nanoparticles have broad spectrum applicability from soft tissue to hard tissue regeneration. When the PLGA nanoparticles are used for soft tissue applications, coatings of calcium phosphate nanoparticles find application on titanium implants16 and for developing bioceramics scaffolds of zirconia.17 Electrospray nebulizers were used for producing micro particles of size range 2�C5 microns and the particles serve the purpose of inhaling medicines through lungs.
These ��breathable size range particles�� are designed to deliver the medicine in to the lower airways without loss of drug activity of the encapsulated medicine.18-23 Electrosprayed nanoparticles can encapsulate drugs and can be specific drug carriers because of their active surface absorption, binding or complexation with drug.24 In the other hand the nano particle size plays an important role in the therapeutic treatment, the particle size is one of the factors to decide the drug carrier velocity, specificity towards binding or adhesion and reactivity.25 Thus the electrosprayed nanoparticle technology opens a new domain for drug delivery applications and therapeutic use (Table 4). Figure 3. Illustration for electro spraying technique. Table 4.
Therapeutic area and conditions for the synthesis of electrosprayed drug loaded Entinostat micro/nanoparticles Advantages of electro spraying technique: Can produce lowest and uniform particle size as possible. Easy to control the operation parameters. Fast preparation and one step technique. This involves simple ideology This technique can be able to extend for bulk production.26 Disadvantages of electro spraying technique: This technique may induce some macromolecule degradation due to the stress involved in the operation parameters (ex: Thermal stress in drying, shear stress in the nozzle).27,28 Cancer Drug Delivery Gulfam et al.