The values are strikingly selleck chemical Ganetespib similar to the 14.1, 9.3, 6.9 and 4.5 repetitions predicted in the present study when using loads equivalent to 66.7, 78.9, 85.0 and 91.0% 1-RMECC (or 110, 130, 140, and 150% 1-RM). It is therefore possible that researchers may start to use the repetition-load schemes presented here to investigate the kinematic and kinetic as well as metabolic responses to the eccentric-only bench press exercise using supra-maximal loads. For example, Ratamess et al. (2009) recommended that intermediate and advanced individuals perform resistance training exercises within a loading range from 1- to 12-RM, with an eventual emphasis on heavy loading (1- to 6-RM). For the eccentric-only bench, these loads would correspond to a range between 164.8% and 118.7% 1-RM (100% to 72% 1-RMECC), with loads between 164.
8% and 143.9% 1- RM (100% to 87% 1-RMECC) employed for the heavier periods of the training program. These loads exceed those tested in the present study, which raises potential safety issues. Previous researchers had subjects perform an eccentric-only bench press with a load equivalent to 150% 1-RM (Murphy et al., 1994). However, these authors had subjects perform only a single repetition and they limited the range of motion to approximately 30o of elbow flexion to limit the potential for injury. Furthermore, the subjects performed the movement in a Smith machine, removing the requirement for spotters. Using the methodology of the present study, the requirement for spotters may preclude the use of loads greater than 130% 1-RM.
Caution may be required when using the repetition-load scheme developed in the present study. The accuracy of the scheme is predicated on the assumption that the relationship between the repetitions and load is linear. Although the scheme presented by Baechle et al. (2008) is also linear, there is some evidence that repetition-load schemes for the bench press performed utilizing the SSC may be curvilinear (LeSuer et al., 1997). It is possible that reflexive inhibition (Webber and Kriellaars, 1997) may alter the repetition load scheme proposed here. Furthermore, the scheme is likely to be accurate only for subjects possessing similar strength levels to those used in the present study and performing the exercise using free-weights as opposed to in a machine (Hoeger et al., 1990).
However, the scheme presented provides an appropriate starting point to investigate the kinematic, kinetic and metabolic responses to eccentric-only bench press workouts, although the following issues need to be considered. Firstly, multiple Anacetrapib sets of resistance exercises have been recommended in the development of factors such as muscular strength and hypertrophy (Ratamess et al., 2009), and it remains to be established how the repetition-load scheme is affected by the completion of multiple sets. Similarly, inter-set rest periods of 1�C3 minutes have been recommended (Ratamess et al.