This suggests that, regardless of the specific nature of the information that gains access to the frontal-subcortical circuits, the information processing that takes place in these circuits is “formatted” for potential executive action.34 Dorsolateral prefont circuit The dorsolateral prefrontal circuit originates in Brodmann’s areas 9 and 10 on the lateral surface of the anterior frontal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical lobe. Neurons in these regions project to the dorsolateral head of the caudate nucleus.35 Fibers from this region of the caudate project to the lateral aspect
of the mediodorsal GPi and rostrolateral SNr via the direct pathway.36 The indirect pathway sends fibers to the dorsal GPe, which in turn projects to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the lateral STN37; fibers from the lateral STN then terminate in the GPi-SNr complex. Output from the basal ganglia projects to parvocellular portions of the ventral anterior and mediodorsal thalamus, respectively.38,39 The mediodorsal thalamus closes the circuit by projecting back to the circult’s origin in areas 9 and
10 of the dorsolateral frontal lobe.40,41 Both experimental and clinical data link the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and frontalsubcortical connections with “executive function.” Executive function incorporates anticipation, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical goal selection, planning, monitoring, and use of feedback in task performance.42 Patients with restricted dorsolateral prefrontal cortex lesions have difficulty focusing and sustaining attention, generating hypotheses, and maintaining or shifting sets in response to changing task Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical demands, as required by the
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST).14 Associated features include reduced verbal and design fluency, impairment of memory search strategies and of organizational and construetional strategies on learning and copying tasks, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and motor programming disturbances. Similar syndromes have been reported in patients with lesions of subcortical structures of the dorsolateral prefrontal circuit.43,44 Thus, impairments on tests of memory and executive function, including the WCST, have been noted in patients with dorsal caudate lesions,45 bilateral GP hemorrhages,46 and bilateral or left paramedian/mediodorsal 4-Aminobutyrate aminotransferase thalamic infarction.47,48 Executive function deficits and other features of “subcortical” Selleckchem Galunisertib dementia49 in such conditions as Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, Wilson’s disease, neuroacanthocytosis, and other subcortical disorders are believed to reflect involvement of the dorsolateral prefrontal circuit as it projects through the basal ganglia.43,50 In patients with Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, performance on tests of executive functions are correlated with memory scores51; the normal registration, storage, and consolidation of memory stores is dependent on frontal lobe function.