Typically LAMP positive reactions are detected by visualizing the

Typically LAMP positive reactions are detected by visualizing the turbidimetric endpoint (Tomita et al., 2008). LAMP has been demonstrated to be quantitative since a linear increase in turbidity can be correlated with increasing amounts of the initial template (Han et al., 2011 and Mori et al., 2001). The ISO-001 reaction mix we utilized has a pyrophosphatase included in the mastermix and hence inorganic phosphate does not accumulate and the reaction does not become turbid. However, since we are using a fluorescence-based platform, we can measure increase in Ku-0059436 price fluorescence over time. We used a DNA sample consisting of the synthetic clone of the LAMP target region, used serial dilutions of the plasmid

preparation and recorded the tp values in LAMP assay. The tp value increased as the concentration of the plasmid decreased. In the concentration range that we checked, six dilutions of the plasmid sample showed a linear relationship PDGFR inhibitor when plotted against tp. Fig. 3 shows a typical LAMP amplification graph recorded in the Android device connected to the Smart-DART™ unit. The tp values ranged from 5 to 10.5 for plasmid DNA concentrations corresponding to 2130 to 0.0213 pg of DNA per mL ( Fig. 3 A and B). These results suggest an LAMP doubling time of about 0.34 min (∼20 s) when testing cloned DNA, a value very similar

to that observed for amplification in dilutions of psyllid extract. Similar linearity was observed when psyllid extractions were serially diluted and

tp estimated ( Fig. 2). Since it is possible that certain plant samples can have inhibitors that affect LAMP reaction, we tested cultivars belonging to 23 accessions (Citrus species as well as some closely related genera) by LAMP assay. The plant extractions were made by Qiagen kit and tested by qPCR (for the housekeeping gene, ‘Cox’ and for 16S rDNA of Las) and by LAMP (phage related region targeted in this study). All the samples that were found to be positive by qPCR were also positive by LAMP. Some plant samples (‘South Coast Field Station’ citron, Lamas lemon, and Tavares limequat) had higher Ct values (between 31 and 33) for Las Flavopiridol (Alvocidib) in qPCR assay but were clear positives by LAMP assay (tp value of 8–8.5; Supplementary Table 1). All the clear negative samples with a Ct value of 40 in qPCR were also negative by LAMP. A LAMP reaction results in products with stem-loop structures and several inverted repeats of the target DNA. Cauliflower-like structures with multiple loops are reported (Parida et al., 2008 and Kubota et al., 2008). To test if the products made in our LAMP reaction conformed to the expected banding pattern, we electrophoresed the amplification product on a 2% agarose gel. A typical ladder pattern was observed on agarose gels (Fig. 4; the bands with higher molecular weights are multimers of the starting structure for LAMP cycling shown in Supplementary Fig. 1B).

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