While the ampakinc Ampalex® (1-[quinoxalin-6-ylcarbonyl]piperidin

While the ampakinc Ampalex® (1-[quinoxalin-6-ylcarbonyl]piperidine, CX516) has been found to improve short-term memory function in normal elderly adults,60 there are as yet

no data on its use in AD patients. Another compound, S12024 has been suggested to facilitate noradrenergic systems.61,62 Initial clinical trials with this agent find improvement on the MMSE in AD patients relative to placebo, over a 12-week period.63 AD-related deficiencies have also been observed in serotonin and norepinephrine, but, although deficiencies in these neurotransmitters are associated with cognitive impairment, their enhancement is being considered Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical primarily to treat the behavioral and psychiatric Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical symptoms that can accompany AD. β-Amyloid deposition Many believe that more directly targeting the pathogenic mechanisms involved in AD might result in more

efficacious treatments. A central neuropathological feature of AD is the accumulation of extracellular plaques, which contain the amyloid β-peptide (Aβ). In addition to direct neurotoxic effects, Aβ appears to activate microglia producing neurotoxins, cytokines, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and free radicals.64,65 Several studies report that Aβ may compromise cholinergic neuronal function independently of neurotoxicity suggesting an association between Aβ deposits and cholinergic dysfunction in AD.66,67 Animal studies have found infusion with Aβ to be associated with impairments in spatial and working memory deficits:68 Recently, there has been increased focus on preventing the formation of Aβ, and the amyloid cascade hypothesis offers a number of potential therapeutic targets. In particular, a central MK0683 approach has been the inhibition of the β- and γ-secretases Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that produce Aβ from the APP. As emphasized by Citron,69 there is no evidence for additional functions for Aβ; however, β- and γ-sccretases are

present in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical many different cells of the body and potentially have substrates in addition to APR Thus, their inhibition may have associated toxicity effects. There are also concerns that, by the time of diagnosis, when the amyloid burden is sufficiently high in AD patients, secretase inhibitors may only minimally impact the existing symptoms. Clearance Linifanib (ABT-869) of existing plaques also would be required for effective treatment. While inhibition of the β- and β-sccretascs may represent a particularly effective approach to this disease, such treatments are still in development. A novel approach utilizing an immunological model, observed amelioration of β-amyloid deposits in a mouse model of AD following treatment with a vaccine combining amyloid and substances that excite the immune system.70 The reduction in Aβ was observed not only in younger mice, where vaccine treatment preceded onset, but, also in older animals where Aβ deposits were already present. Phase 1 trials investigating this approach in AD patients are currently nearing completion in the USA and Europe.

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