Dates are presented as mean �� SD. Group I: living kidney donor patients under open nephrectomy received high-flow oxygen; Group II: living kidney … Mean BUN and sCr on posttransplant day 10 was less in Group I compared with Group II, but promotion it was not significant statistically (Table 2). Mean duration of hospital stay from the first posttransplant day till normalization of renal function was about 5.2days lower in Group I compared to Group II, and this difference was statistically significant (P < .05) (Table 2). There was not any statistically significant difference between the rates of postoperative complications among the two groups (Table Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries 2). 4. Discussion The major finding of our study was that the intermittent exposure of living human kidney donors to the hyperoxia improves early renal function measured in the first ten days after kidney transplantation.
Mean serum BUN and creatinine throughout posttransplant day 1 to 10, creatinine clearance in day10, need to additional diuretics in the first 24hours after operation, urine output during 6hours after operation, and also duration of hospital stay were significantly better in Group I who were pretreated with hyperoxia compared Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries with Group II who had no such exposure. As our study showed that the incidence of DGF was insignificantly more in Group II (14.3%) compared with Group I (4%). Generally, the great majority of kidney transplants are carried out using kidneys from standard criteria donors with moderate Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries DGF rates of 21�C31% [23, 24]. A number of factors have been documented to impact short-term graft survival.
These consist of delayed allograft function, HLA antibodies, type of donor kidney, donor illness, medical center factors, and other factors. Allograft injury participates an important Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries role in both short- and long-term graft function, as well as in the induction of renal allograft rejection [25]. Such injury possibly is induced by different Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries events, including brain death, cold ischemia time, ischemia and/or reperfusion, and infection. Ischemia and/or reperfusion injury is supposed to be a critical risk factor for both early delayed graft function and late allograft dysfunction. The major cause of delayed graft function is postischemic acute tubular necrosis (ATN) [26]. A number of authors are of the belief that duration of the vascular anastomosis more than 35minutes may be a factor to the development of ATN [27].
In Szostek and colleagues [28] study, the value of effective cooling of the kidney during the vascular anastomosis in preventing development Dacomitinib of ATN was documented. In univariate analysis of several factors that could be a factor to the development of ATN, it was shown that donor hypotension, type of kidney storage, and temperature rise during the anastomosis had significant effect [28].