This data also suggests that the fur:kanP mutation led to an improper balance of iron allocation in N. europaea. Selleckchem Ruxolitinib Discussion We provide several lines of evidence that the Fur homolog encoded by N. europaea gene NE0616 is the Fe-sensing Fur protein. First, we have shown that NE0616 shares all eight of the metal binding amino acid residues of P. aeruginosa Fur (Figure
1) [19] and that the Fur homolog encoded by NE0616 is clustered with Fe-sensing Fur proteins from other bacteria (Figure 2). An E. coli Fur titration assay (FURTA) system for Fur analysis was utilized as a second method to confirm that the cloned NE0616 fur encodes a functional protein. The H1780 (pFur616) strain carrying NE0616 fur homolog on a plasmid was evaluated for its ability to utilize lactose as described by Hantke et al., [40]. Utilization of lactose by H1780 (pFur616) strain was detected by color change of colonies from white to red
on McConkey lactose plates indicating the formation of lactic acid. Lactose utilization was not detected when H1780 strain carrying plasmids pFur616-kanC, pFur730, pFur1722 were plated on McConkey lactose plates (Figure 3A). One of the major limitations in our research on the role of Fur has been the inability to make a fur null mutant. Null mutations have been successfully isolated for E. coli [46, 47], V. cholerae [48], Shigella flexneri [49], Neisseria meningitidis [34]. Unsuccessful attempts to MK-0518 in vitro isolate insertional null mutants were reported for P. aeruginosa [50], Pseudomonas putida [51], and N. gonorrhoeae [52]. To date, multiple attempts to generate a N. europaea fur mutant have been unsuccessful. Loss of the fur gene may be a lethal mutation in N. europaea, as occurs in some other gram-negative bacteria [50]. However, we were successful in generating an N. europaea fur promoter knockout mutant (fur:kanP) (Figure 4A). Southern analysis with probes internal to fur or the Kmr corroborated insertion
of Kmr in the promoter region of the fur gene (Figure 4B) and hence fur:kanP mutant Gefitinib strain was selected for further analysis. Although we were unable to detect the NE0616 transcript in fur:kanP mutant strain by RT-PCR or qRT-PCR, it is possible that there is some leaky transcription of fur in our mutant strain, since it is a promoter knockout mutant. This could be the reason why we were able to generate a promoter knockout mutant but not a fur null mutant. The effects of fur:kanP mutation on N. europaea were broad. Inactivation of the fur gene (resulting in deregulation of iron metabolism) increases sensitivity to redox stress when grown under iron-rich conditions in some bacteria such as E. coli [53]. The N. europaea, wild-type and the fur:kanP mutant strain showed similar growth patterns when grown in Fe-replete (10 μM Fe) and Fe-limited (0.2 μM Fe) media (Figure 5A).