Nadal pozostaje on w pamięci nie tylko najbliższych współpracowni

Nadal pozostaje on w pamięci nie tylko najbliższych współpracowników, ale także miejscowego społeczeństwa jako człowiek, który poza swoją profesjonalną pracą lekarską podejmował wiele cennych inicjatyw społecznych. Aleksander Napierała urodził PS 341 się 8 czerwca 1948 roku w Żninie.

Ojciec Jan (1906) był księgowym w Cerekwicy, pow. Śrem, matka (1914–1999) z d. Romańska. Starszy brat – Jerzy (1942). W rodzinnym mieście ukończył szkołę podstawową i liceum ogólnokształcące, zwieńczone egzaminem maturalnym i świadectwem dojrzałości dnia 3 czerwca 1966 roku. Z braku miejsc dwukrotnie nie został przyjęty na Wydział Lekarski w Gdańsku, dlatego przez rok akademicki 1966/67 był studentem na Wydziale Farmaceutycznym A.M. w Gdańsku. Ponieważ przy trzecim

podejściu w A.M. w Poznaniu do przyjęcia na Wydział Lekarski zabrakło mu 1 punktu, podjął naukę w Technikum Elektroradiologii, które ukończył w 1970 roku. Po raz czwarty przystąpił do egzaminów wstępnych i został przyjęty na Wydział Lekarski A.M. w Poznaniu, gdzie Daporinad studiował w latach 1970–1977, a następnie uzyskał dyplom lekarza dnia 29 czerwca 1977 roku. Pod koniec studiów, w latach 1975–77, przez 18 miesięcy był zatrudniony w Zakładzie Radiologii Pediatrycznej w Państwowym Szpitalu Klinicznym Nr 5 w Poznaniu. Od stycznia 1978 roku nieprzerwanie do 25 czerwca 1999 roku pracował w Zespole Opieki Zdrowotnej w Wyrzysku. Na Oddziale Dziecięcym miejscowego szpitala przeszedł kolejne etapy doskonalenia zawodowego i uzyskał specjalizację z pediatrii w 1984 Acesulfame Potassium roku. Tu zaczynał pracę jako lekarz – stażysta, następnie młodszy i starszy asystent, aby w 1985 roku objąć stanowisko ordynatora tego oddziału, którym kierował do 1999 roku. Pod jego kierunkiem czterech lekarzy uzyskało specjalizację z pediatrii pierwszego stopnia. W latach 1980–1985 był również dyrektorem Zespołu Opieki Zdrowotnej w Wyrzysku. Bliska mu była też problematyka pediatrii społecznej, co znalazło wyraz w

uzyskaniu specjalizacji z medycyny społecznej (1981). Prowadząc Oddział Dziecięcy, swoje zainteresowania ukierunkował na zagadnienia chorób alergicznych, co potwierdził uzyskaniem specjalizacji w dziedzinie alergologii (1994). Tym samym udowadniał, że „w medycynie, kto się nie dokształca, ten się cofa”. Poza codzienną pracą diagnostyczno-leczniczą na Oddziale Dziecięcym znajdował czas na działalność naukową. W latach dziewięćdziesiątych uczestniczył w różnych konferencjach naukowych w kraju, w Światowych Kongresach Polonii Medycznej w Częstochowie (1991, 1994) oraz w światowych kongresach alergologicznych ( Kioto, 1991, Jerozolima 1993, Sztokholm 1994, Madryt 1995, Helsinki 1996). Dzięki temu systematycznie aktualizował swą wiedzę w tej burzliwie rozwijającej się dziedzinie medycyny i nawiązywał różne kontakty zawodowe oraz naukowe.

A razão Nau/Ku tem mostrado boa correlação com Nau24h ≥ 78 mmol/d

A razão Nau/Ku tem mostrado boa correlação com Nau24h ≥ 78 mmol/dia, com valores cutoff variando entre os diferentes trabalhos5, 6 and 7. Segundo as orientações da AASLD, nos doentes que não respondem ao tratamento diurético deve ser feita a quantificação da excreção de sódio de forma a determinar se os doentes ingerem mais sal do que o permitido ou beneficiam do aumento dos diuréticos3. Nesta edição BKM120 do GE, Marcos da Silva et al. publicam um trabalho que pretendeu comparar a determinação pontual de sódio urinário com a determinação de sódio na urina de 24 horas

para avaliação da natriurese em doentes cirróticos com ascite, numa população da América Latina. Neste estudo transversal foram incluídos 20 doentes em regime de ambulatório ou

internamento, observados num período de 18 meses. Este grupo de doentes era predominantemente do sexo masculino, com idade média de 54 anos. Relativamente à etiologia da doença hepática verificou‐se um predomínio da doença hepática alcoólica, com ou sem infeções associadas por vírus hepatotrópicos, sendo de salientar a prevalência mais elevada de infeção Belnacasan nmr por VHB e VHC, comparativamente aos países europeus. De acordo com o esperado e já anteriormente reportado, os doentes com maior compromisso de função hepática (score MELD mais elevado) foram também os que apresentaram menor excreção de sódio na urina, verificando‐se correlação entre a determinação da Nau/Ku e a excreção urinária diária de sódio. Ao contrário do observado noutros trabalhos, não se verificou diferença entre o grupo com baixa excreção e o grupo com Nau24h≥ 78 mEq, relativamente a indicadores de hipertensão portal (plaquetas e leucócitos), de compromisso da função renal (ureia) ou compromisso da excreção de água livre, secundário a ativação neuro‐hormonal (elevados níveis de ADH), traduzido por valores mais baixos de sódio sérico. Relativamente à correlação entre a determinação ocasional da razão

Nau/Ku e a determinação Nau24h, este trabalho vem confirmar o que tem sido descrito, com uma acuidade de 80%, PPV e NPV de 90%, para um cutoff de 15, 6, 8 and 9, sugerindo que este método pode ser utilizado com fiabilidade na prática clínica da avaliação dos doentes com ascite. Este estudo vem, mais buy Fludarabine uma vez, reforçar a importância da medição da excreção urinária de sódio nos doentes cirróticos complicados com ascite, de forma a poder identificar corretamente os que beneficiam dum aumento das doses de diuréticos, evitando as complicações do seu incremento desnecessário e inadequado e da realização de manobras invasivas, nomeadamente paracenteses de grande volume. A dificuldade na recolha da urina de 24 horas é assim ultrapassada com a determinação pontual da razão sódio/potássio na urina, que apresenta uma elevada acuidade diagnóstica (80%), sobreponível aos dados disponíveis na literatura.

Differential expression analysis identified 59% (# 5304) differen

Differential expression analysis identified 59% (# 5304) differentially expressed genes between the species, with 28% (# 2524) more highly expressed in Z. marina and 31% (# 2780) more highly expressed in N. noltii (FDR α < 0.05). The similarity of expression responses to heat treatment between northern and southern populations of Z. marina was investigated in more detail via differential expression analysis of concordant treatment effects. In this case, treatment effects were tested disregarding population identity, APO866 in vitro i.e., RNA-seq libraries for the two populations

served as biological replication. A total of 427 genes show concordant differential expression in response to the treatment with 267 up-regulated and selleck chemical 159 down-regulated genes under heat stress conditions (FDR α < 0.05) ( Table S2; see workflow Fig. S4). Consistently up-regulated genes under heat-stress

included several enriched functional categories. These were: 1) pectinesterases, involved in cell wall modification and subsequent breakdown of the cell wall; 2) proteins involved in the synthesis of ribosomal chloroplast proteins; and 3) proteins involved in protein folding, which contain immunophilins (endogenous cytosolic peptidyl–prolyl isomerases that interconvert between the cis and trans positions) and molecular chaperones (Fig. 2). Although the functional category “stress.abiotic.heat” was not significantly

enriched, 6 genes with this term were present (Table S2) and the term “stress.abiotic” revealed a weak enrichment (Fig. 2). No HSPs were up-regulated under control conditions, instead a gene with the functional annotation “stress.abiotic.cold”, a calcium-dependent lipid-binding family protein, was up-regulated (Table S2). Cell press Enriched functional categories in the gene set of up-regulated genes under control temperature were functions involved in secondary metabolism, particularly lignin biosynthesis (Fig. 2). As some differences were observed in the heat responses of northern and southern populations of Z. marina, we tested the hypothesis that southern populations, originating from a warmer local climate, show stronger up-regulation of heat responsive (HR) genes than northern populations. The expression strength of the 267 up-regulated genes in response to heat in Z. marina showed higher expression in the southern population in comparison to the northern population in the control treatment (paired Wilcoxon test, one sided: V = 23,792, p-value = 1.942e− 07), as well as the heat treatment (paired Wilcoxon test, one sided: V = 33,904, p-value < 2.2e− 16) ( Fig. 3, S5). Additionally, this directional population effect on the gene expression strength was more pronounced in the heat treatment compared to the control treatment (paired Wilcoxon test, one sided: W = 34,248, p-value < 2.2e− 16).

Nevertheless, to our knowledge there are few studies investigatin

Nevertheless, to our knowledge there are few studies investigating the action of a post-SE onset Fulvestrant datasheet treatment with NMDAR antagonists on SE-induced brain consequences. In this way, the goal of our study was to investigate the protective role of a post-SE onset treatment with ketamine on neuronal death and long-term behavioral alterations caused by LiCl–pilocarpine SE model. Previous studies showed that a pretreatment with ketamine reduced intensity and duration of epileptic seizures in metrazol, bicuculline, picrotoxin, pentylenetetrazol and electrical stimulus animal models (Mikolasova

et al., 1994, Velisek et al., 1989 and Veliskova et al., 1990). In our study, treatment with ketamine after SE onset presents similar effect in both times tested. However, latency to stop motor activity was shorter in animals that received ketamine at 60 min after pilocarpine than those at 15 min. This apparent improved efficacy of SE+KET60 may be related to action mechanisms of pilocarpine, that activates muscarinic cholinergic receptors in the seizure initiation (<30 min) but not in seizure maintenance and progression (>60 min), which is performed primarily VE-821 research buy by NMDAR (Fujikawa, 1995 and Rice and DeLorenzo, 1998). Although we cannot exclude the possibility that ketamine-induced decrease of motor manifestations

does not reflect a reduction in epileptic activity on the brain, previous studies have showed a robust relationship between electroencephalographic and motor activities in the LiCl–pilocarpine SE model (Hirsch et al., 1992 and Sankar et al., 1998). In addition to reducing the severity and duration of seizures, the ketamine post-SE onset treatment also significantly reduced neurodegeneration observed in all SE-submitted animals. Similar to previous studies (de Oliveira et al., 2008 and Sankar et al., 1998), SE induced a massive neuronal death in several brain regions. Excessive activation of NMDAR during SE induces a marked Ca2+ influx which

can lead to metabolic derangements and Amobarbital subsequent neuronal death (Hardingham et al., 2002, Holmes, 1997, Olney, 2003 and Sankar et al., 1998). Blockage of these receptors by ketamine prevented the SE-induced neuronal death in all brain regions from both ketamine groups (Table 1). Moreover, the metabolic events that lead to neuronal death appear to be time-dependent, whereas the ketamine-blockage of NMDAR at 15 min after pilocarpine was more neuroprotective than that observed at 60 min of treatment. These finding suggests that the triggering events of neuronal death in the immature brain occur in a time window between 15 and 60 min after SE onset. Besides reducing seizures and neuronal death, ketamine administration during prolonged epileptic activity also acted against the long-term behavioral changes caused by SE. In accordance with other studies (de Oliveira et al., 2008 and Sayin et al., 2004), SE animals showed greater anxiety levels in the elevated plus maze (EPM) when compared with non-SE animals.

Of 122 primary human resected PDAC, fascin was absent from normal

Of 122 primary human resected PDAC, fascin was absent from normal ductal and acinar tissue, but prominent in PDAC cytoplasm (Figure 1A). Ninety-five percent of human PDAC expressed fascin and a high histoscore significantly correlated with decreased overall survival ( Figure 1B), Crizotinib concentration high tumor grade ( Figure 1C; median histoscore 104.4 vs 72.8; P < .05), and vascular invasion ( Figure 1D; median histoscore 94.5 vs 62.2; P < .04). Fascin levels did not correlate with lymph node status, tumor stage,

perineural invasion, and lymphatic invasion (data not shown). In a multivariate Cox proportional-hazards regression analysis, high fascin expression only reached borderline significance as an independent predictor of poor survival, with a hazard ratio of 0.663 (95% confidence interval: 0.44−1; P = .05) ( Supplementary Table 1). Importantly, fascin levels strongly

correlated with time to recurrence, indicating potential importance as a predictor of tumor dissemination ( Figure 1E; P < .0005). To explore a functional role of fascin, we used a mouse model of pancreatic cancer (KPC mice) recapitulating both pre-invasive PanIN (grade 1−3) and invasive, metastatic PDAC.4 Wild-type ducts and acini and PanIN1−2 from 10-week-old KPC mice were negative for fascin (Figure 1F). Around 6% of PanIN3 and 100% of PDAC (both 10-week and advanced tumors) ( Supplementary

Table 2) were fascin positive ( Figure 1F) GSK-3 beta phosphorylation and fascin was expressed in both well and poorly differentiated areas (data not shown). Fascin null mice had normal-sized pancreata with no apparent changes in tissue structure or proliferation (Supplementary Figure 1). Although fascin is weakly expressed Nutlin-3 by a few cells in the islets of Langerhans (Figure 1F), fascin null mice had normal peripheral blood levels of several markers indicating normal pancreatic function ( Supplementary Table 3). Development of PanIN in KrasG12D or KrasG12D and p53R172H expressing pancreata was not changed by loss of fascin ( Supplementary Figure 2). Loss of fascin also did not affect progression, morphology, or proliferation of cells in an acute model of pancreatitis using cerulein injection ( Supplementary Figure 3). However, by 21 days of cerulein treatment, fascin was detected in stroma and epithelium of PanIN of KC animals ( Supplementary Figure 3). However, loss of fascin did not affect the numbers of monocytes, lymphocytes, or neutrophils recruited to acute PanINs, revealing no gross abnormalities in the immune response to PanIN in the fascin null mice ( Supplementary Figure 3E and F). In summary, fascin expression was detected in a minority of PanIN3 and all PDAC and loss of fascin did not detectably affect pancreas development or PanIN.

However, we found a statistically significant

positive co

However, we found a statistically significant

positive correlation between the serum VPA level and the ammonia level. However, many relevant studies have been unable to explain clearly the association between the serum VPA level and the serum ammonia level [18] and [32]. The first generation antiepileptics are more toxic than the second generation antiepileptics. In patients with carbamazepine levels, particularly those over 30 mg/L, severe disorders of consciousness, cardiovascular toxicity, and metabolic disorders may be observed. In carbamazepine BIBW2992 concentration intoxications, the lactate level can be used as a prognostic biomarker. In VPA intoxications, there is a positive correlation between the

serum VPA level and the ammonia level. On account of this finding, one should be more careful about hyperammonemic hepatic encephalopathy as the serum VPA level raises. Hemoperfusion is effectively used in the therapy of carbamazepine and VPA intoxications. In order to verify the efficacy of carnitine therapy in VPA intoxications, comprehensive studies with larger number of cases should be carried out. “
“Polystyrene was first used industrially in Germany in the mid-1930s, and since then, because of its useful characteristics such as high processability, shape reproducibility, and superior foaming ability, it has been widely used in OSBPL9 the production and packaging of commodities such as electronic devices and food. It is estimated that in 2010 approximately 10.8 million tons of polystyrene was used worldwide [1]. In the developed world, 50% to 60% of the production volume of polystyrene is used for food packaging [1] and [2]. Furthermore, polystyrene represents approximately 14% and 10% of plastic food-packaging materials used in the United States and Japan, respectively

[3] and [4]. Polystyrene is therefore an important material for the packaging of food. Polystyrene products have been shown to contain styrene oligomers, which were generated as byproducts in the process of polymerization (Mayo et al., 1968). Concerns related to the human health effects of styrene dimers (SDs) and styrene trimers (STs) have been raised by some investigators (Colborn, 1996). Kawamura reported that several kinds of SDs and STs can migrate from polystyrene products (1998a, 1998b). When using 50% of ethanol aqueous solution, 30 − 70 ppb of styrene trimers were extracted and no styrene dimers were detected (Kawamura, 1998a). Under intact usage, although no styrene dimers were detected, the amount of the migrated styrene trimers were estimated to be up to 33.8 μg for one meal (Kawamura, 1998b). The endocrine-disrupting potencies of SDs and STs were actively investigated in the late 1990′s to early 2000′s.

Wang et al [22] reported that crop yield was generally higher un

Wang et al. [22] reported that crop yield was generally higher under no/reduced tillage with straw retention (NTSR) than under CT in dry years, but lower in wet years. Liu et al. [23] found that NTSR increased soybean yield, but reduced maize yield relative to CT. Given that ensuring food security is the first issue of Chinese crop production, quantifying the impacts of CA on crop yield is necessary for CA application in China. Meta-analysis is a quantitative method used to integrate the results from many independent studies while attempting to estimate the direction and magnitude of treatment

PF-02341066 cell line effects [24]. During the past decades, hundreds of CA experiments have been conducted in different regions and cropping systems in China. However, the actual impacts of CA in China have not been well documented. Based on these field experiments, we accordingly conducted a meta-analysis to quantify the effects of CA on crop yield under specific CA practices, regional climate patterns, and crop types in China. Our objectives were to investigate (i) the overall effects of CA on crop yield and (ii) the manner in which effect sizes vary with specific CA practices, Vincristine experimental durations, climate patterns, and crop types. In this study, we focused only on field experiments with a multiple-year experimental duration (> 5 years), because farming impacts on crop production are stable and credible

only after at least five years. The data were all obtained from peer-reviewed literature published in both Chinese and English journals before May 2013. Articles in Chinese were collected from the Chinese Journal Net full-text database (CJFD), and those in English were from the Science Citation Index of the Institute for Scientific Information. In total, 76 published papers were included, consisting

of 123 paired trials (Table S1). Detailed information about the experimental sites (Fig. 1) is shown in supplemental material. Each paired trial was categorized by six groups: specific CA practices, annual precipitation, annual mean temperature, aridity index, experimental duration, cropping regions, and crop types. Given the data available, three CA practices were included in the present study: NT: no/reduced tillage only, conventional tillage with straw retention (CTSR), and NT with straw retention (NTSR). The numbers of NT, CTSR, and NTSR trials contributed 19.0% (n = 23), 43.0% (n = 52), Thiamet G and 38.0% (n = 46) to the total, respectively, including the major grain crops (rice, wheat, and maize). Conventional tillage without straw retention (CT) was taken as the control. Seasonal yield data were used to determine the differences in the effect sizes of CA practices between crops. Chinese major cropping areas were divided into four regions: Northeast, Northwest, North, and South [18]. In Northeast China, the mean temperature averages 4.9 °C (from − 0.5 °C to 11.1 °C), and mean precipitation is about 600 mm [25]. In Northwest China, the annual temperature averages 7.

Compared to other cereal crops

Compared to other cereal crops selleckchem such as wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), barley (Horderum vulgare L.) and oat (Avenasativa L.), rye has a number of positive and special attributes, such as outstanding cold hardiness, excellent drought tolerance and strong disease resistance. Apart from its use as a minor cereal crop and a donor of the R genome to triticale (×Triticosecale),

it has also been extensively used as an important germplasm source to introgress resistance genes into wheat [2]. Some rye attributes are conserved in triticale, an artificial hybrid species made by crossing wheat and rye [3]. Triticale is being explored for use as a novel bioindustrial crop in Canada. Starch synthesis is a complicated process in plants. The first step takes place inside and/or outside amylopasts via ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase, EC for synthesis of ADP glucose, an activated glucosyl donor for starch synthesis [4], [5] and [6]. Subsequent steps lead to two separate pathways for amylose or amylopectin

synthesis. Granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS, EC, also known as waxy protein, is responsible for the synthesis of amylose polymers [6], [7] and [8]. Amylopectin synthesis results from the elongation of glucan chains with both α-(1,4)-linkage and α-(1,6)-linkage synthesized by the multiple subunits or isoforms of starch synthase (SS, EC, starch-branching enzyme (SBE, EC Antidiabetic Compound Library datasheet [9] and [10] and starch debranching enzymes (DBE). According to their different substrate specificities, DBEs are divided into two types: isoamylase (EC and pullulanase (EC [9] and [11]. Genotypic mutants with low starch but high water-soluble polysaccharides were

identified in maize (Zea mays L.) [5] and [12], rice (Oryza sativa L.) [13], barley [14] and Arabidopsis thaliana [15] and [16], demonstrating ID-8 that DBEs, in conjunction with SS and SBE, play an essential role in development and accumulation of amylopectin [8] and [17]. Characterization of barley mutants, transgenic potato and rice also indicate that isoamylase plays a crucial role in initiating the development of starch granules [14], [18] and [19]. Starch is the most important carbohydrate in crop grains, but gene interaction in starch synthesis and accumulation in polyploid crops has not been well explored. Since rye has contributed one third of the hexaploid triticale genome, rye isoamylase must be one of the essential enzymes for amylopectin synthesis in triticale grains. However, there is no scientific report about the molecular features of rye isoamylase genes available in public databases.

Dr Jaime Aparecido Cury for suggestions made to the manuscript (

Dr. Jaime Aparecido Cury for suggestions made to the manuscript (both from the Department of Biochemistry, FOP/UNICAMP). Ethical approval: This study was approved by the Ethical Committee for the Use of Animals in

Research of the University of Sao Paulo (campus of Ribeirao Preto) (protocol 07.1.346.53.3). Funding: FAPESP (State of Sao Paulo Research Funding Agency) and CNPQ (National Council of Scientific and Technological Development, Ministry of Science and Technology, Brazil). Conflict of interest: There are no conflicts of interest in this study. “
“During the embryonic developmental stage, epithelial–mesenchymal interactions determine VX-809 mouse the formation of all the dental components, including the pulp.1 The pulp is divided into four layers: the external layer is constituted by odontoblasts which produce the dentine. The dentine keeps and protects the inner dental pulp chamber, comprised by the second layer, a zone poor in cells and rich in extracellular matrix, and the third layer containing compact connective tissue. The last layer is infiltrated by a vascular area and a nervous plexus.2 and 3 The presence of undifferentiated cells around the vessels, responsible for the new dentine formation after dental injuries such as cavities or mechanical trauma, has highlighted the dental pulp as a source of mesenchymal stem cells.1 and 2 Of particular selleck products interest is the fact that rodent incisors grow continually,

unlike rodent molars and human teeth. The apical part is responsible for the enamel matrix production. This area contains epithelial stem cells that originate the ameloblasts, stratum intermedium, stellate reticulum and outer dental epithelium layers.4 The first identification and isolation of precursors of functional odontoblasts known as human dental pulp stem cells (DPSC) was reported in by Gronthos et al.5 These cells were characterized by their highly proliferative capacity, the typical fibroblast-like morphology, multipotent differentiation, the expression of mesenchymal stem cells markers PD184352 (CI-1040) in vitro, as well as by dentine regeneration induction in vivo.

6 Several other populations of human dental stem cells have been characterized, such as stem cells obtained from deciduous teeth, 6 and 7 apical papilla, 8 and periodontal ligament stem cells. 9 and 10 Cell populations obtained from rat dental pulp contain STRO-1 positive cells with multilineage potential of differentiation in vitro. 11 A recent study demonstrated that erupted murine molars contain a population of multipotent cells with osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic differentiation abilities. 12 Other reports have described the gene expression pattern associated with the regulation of the tooth germ morphogenesis in the mouse incisor. 13 and 14 A study performed by Balic and Mina34 provided evidence that dental pulp tissue obtained from unerupted and erupted murine incisors contains a progenitor, but not a multipotent mesenchymal stem cell population.


volume injected into the LV was 1 or 2 μl On the day


volume injected into the LV was 1 or 2 μl. On the day of the experiment rats were anaesthetized with urethane (1.2 g/kg of body weight i.v.) and α-chloralose (60 mg/kg of body weight i.v.) (after the induction with 1% halothane in 100% O2). A femoral artery catheter (PE-10 connected to PE-50) was implanted for the record of pulsatile arterial pressure, mean arterial high throughput screening compounds pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR). A femoral vein catheter was implanted for administration of anaesthetic. To record pulsatile arterial pressure, MAP and HR, the arterial catheter was connected to a Statham Gould (P23 Db) pressure transducer coupled to a pre-amplifier (model ETH-200 Bridge Bio Amplifier, CB Sciences) and to a Powerlab computer recording system (model Powerlab 16SP, ADInstruments). Recordings began 10 min after the connection of the arterial line to the pressure transducer. selleck compound MAP and HR were continuously recorded during 1 h and were analysed at every 5 min. Baseline values were recorded for 10 min and were analysed immediately before

yohimbine or vehicle injection (first treatment). These values were used as reference to calculate the changes produced by the treatments. Immediately after vein and artery catheterization, an incision was made in ventral midline of the neck to localize the right submandibular/sublingual gland (SSG) complex and the artery that irrigates the SSG complex. The SSG artery, a cervical branch of external maxillary artery is usually larger just above the anterior margin of posterior belly of digastricus.6 and 10 The artery that irrigates the SSG complex was isolated and a miniature pulsed Doppler flow probe (Iowa Doppler Products;

Iowa City, IA) was perfectly adjusted around the artery to record blood flow. A midline laparotomy was also performed and miniature Phosphoprotein phosphatase pulsed Doppler flow probes were placed around the superior mesenteric (SM) artery and the low abdominal aorta for measurement of mesenteric and hindlimb blood flow, respectively. The probes were fixed to the surrounding tissues with suture thread. Data from animals in which the probes moved during the experiment were not considered for analysis. The flow probes were connected to a Doppler flowmeter (Dept of Bioengineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA) coupled to a Powerlab computer record system (model Powerlab 16SP, ADInstruments) for blood flow recording. Details of the Doppler flow recording technique, including the reliability of the method for estimation of flow velocity, have been described previously.18 Relative SSG, mesenteric and hindlimb vascular resistance changes were calculated as the ratio of MAP and Doppler shift. Blood flow was continuously recorded for 1 h. Blood flow and vascular resistance were analysed for every 5 min. Baseline values were recorded for 10 min and were analysed immediately before yohimbine or vehicle injection (first injection). The values were used as reference to calculate the changes produced by the treatments.