We found that the normal immortal human gastric mucosal epithelial cell line GES-1 expressed high level of p16(INK4a); while 3 of 8 gastric cancer cell lines expressed lower level of p16(INK4a), and 5 of 8 gastric cancer cell lines did not express detectable p16(INK4a). Cell lines with low or no p16(INK4a) NCT-501 mw overexpressing CBX7 suggested a negative correlation between the
expression of CBX7 and p16(INK4a) (Fig 1A). However, we found the correlation between the expression of CBX7 and p16(INK4a) in gastric cancer tissue samples by IHC analyses was not significant (Table 1). Then, we examined the expression of p16(INK4a) in control and CBX7 knockdown SGC-7901 cells to Blasticidin S determine the possible mechanism of decreased transformed phenotype in gastric cancer cell lines by knockdown of CBX7 expression. We found that knockdown
of CBX7 resulted in increased p16(INK4a) expression (Fig 3A). Discussion More and more studies revealed that different PcG proteins were involved in carcinogenesis and neoplastic progression. Bmi-1, as one of the best known PcG genes, plays an important role in regulating cellular proliferation, cellular senescence, tumorigenesis and functions as an oncogene [2–10]. Previous studies found that INK4A/ARF locus and AKT/PKB pathway are two important cancer relevant target of Bmi-1 in gastric and breast cancers [8, 10]. It was found that CBX7 shares some similarities in functions and GDC-0068 chemical structure mechanisms with Bmi-1 including inhibiting cellular senescence and extending the lifespan of normal human cells via downregulating the expression of INK4a/ARF tumor suppressor locus [17, 20, 21]. Otherwise, CBX7 can initiate T-cell lymphomagenesis and cooperate with c-Myc to produce highly aggressive B-cell lymphomas in the generation Lck of transgenic mice overexpressing CBX7 [11]. Moreover, it has also been shown that CBX7 expression facilitates the survival of the mouse embryonic fibroblasts [20]. These results suggest that CBX7 is also involved in carcinogenesis and acts as an oncogene like Bmi-1. However, several recent publications propose
CBX7 as a potential tumor suppressor. It was found that Loss of CBX7 expression correlated with a more aggressive phenotype in thyroid carcinoma, pancreatic adenocarcinoma and colorectal carcinoma [12–14]. The opposite role of CBX7 in different studies may be due to the different cancer types. Till now, studies concerning CBX7 are limited and the functions and mechanisms of CBX7 in caicinogenesis are still unclear. Its role in other cancer types including gastric cancer needs to be clarified. Recently we reported that Bmi-1 was overexpressed in gastric cancer cell lines and gastric tumors and plays an important role in the carcinogenesis and progression of gastric cancer [10]. The function of CBX7 in the carcinogenesis and progression of gastric cancer needs to be studied.